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Third Party Insights

7th Annual Edition, including 2016 Third Party Assurance Report Benchmarking

Deloitte releases the seventh annual edition of third party insights. This report gives readers a perspective on the current Australian third party assurance landscape, including how to achieve better outcomes from service providers.

As GS 007 and other third party assurance reporting matures, we are seeing greater scrutiny by auditors over control design in line with evolving regulator and client expectations. At the same time, Audit Committees are increasingly focussed on third party oversight as organisations place more reliance on their extended enterprise to manage core business functions.

The three key areas of insight include:

  1. Better practices for identifying and managing third parties
  2. Our view on changes to auditing standards and APRA expectations
  3. Key causes of risk and control deviations identified from our benchmarking analysis.

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