Key management personnel changesAs part of the ACNC regulatory review, clarifications were made to the requirements to report the remuneration of key management personnel (KMP) in the annual reports of large charities with more than one KMP. As reporting entities, charities are obliged to comply with the requirements of AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures (AASB 124). Clarifications have been made regarding the required disclosures charities need to make in relation to KMP.
The ACNC has provided updated guidance as to which charities need to report the remuneration of KMP. This guidance can be found at:
ACNC Key Management Personnel remuneration guidance
The requirements for charities to report KMP remuneration will differ depending on whether the charity:
- Prepares general purpose financial statements or special purpose financial statements
- Has more than one remunerated KMP; or
- Has KMP provided by a separate management entity.
These changes become effective for the Annual Information Statement 2022 reporting period onwards (e.g. 30 June 2022 / 31 December 2022 year ends)
Action: Be aware of the guidance and ensure that the requirements have been complied with in their annual reports for this upcoming reporting season.