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Re-architecting Work Models

What if work was different?

This report explores an idea that has been a long time coming. What if we re-architected work models to provide complete trust, autonomy and flexibility for employees in when and where, and how and why work gets done? What if we followed a new set of philosophies to re-imagine work in ways that elevates human potential?

Four future worlds of work. Six game changing philosophies. Five key watchpoints. 

A new world of work has dawned and the social contract between the organisation and the employee has shifted. Re-architected work models provide greater choice and autonomy around when and where work is completed. The most sophisticated work models have rapidly progressed from flexible work arrangements such as job sharing, compressed working week, flexible schedules and remote work, into arrangements that emphasise complete trust in, and empower, their employees to identify the work environments that reveal their latent potential.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has forced changes to work models and in many cases accelerated the future of work. A situation has been created where organisations have a license to test and experiment with new ways of working, selecting which lessons to embed to re-define their new standard of reality.

When re-architecting work models, discover:
  • The Four Future Worlds of Work
  • The Six Game Changing Philosophies that challenge orthodoxies and redefine how work is experienced
  • The Five Watchpoints to consider when re-architecting work models.

How we can help

We apply our own advice when working with you, leveraging virtual ways of working, human-centred design and future work model principles to develop holistic solutions. We have an evidence-based methodology that can help your organisation reflect, re-invent, and re-architect.

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