B2B marketing: Six steps to thrive in a world upended by COVID-19
With salespeople stranded at home and face-to-face interaction stymied in a world upended by a pandemic, the traditional B2B model is no longer adequate.
The need for a marketing transformation that puts digital at the fore has become urgent. As much as a more mature B2B model is a sudden necessity, however, it’s also an opportunity.
With a new approach comes the chance to improve your organisation’s understanding of client needs, deepen relationships, build better service and create a more fully realised, more digitally-enabled customer journey.
Our approach is to focus on six key actions every organisation should take as it strives to put in place a futureproof B2B model, including:
Address shifting stakeholders and complex decision-making units
Become fully customer-centric
Keep up with fast-paced change and technology innovation
Transform to digital in new business, operating and customer models
Build new market roles and functions
Redefine collaboration and break down marketing silos