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Clean Cloud

Meeting the climate challenge in Australia & New Zealand

The imperative for climate action has never been stronger, and technology will play a major role in navigating a cleaner future.

Businesses in Australia and New Zealand have bold plans for emissions reduction and cloud applications will enable them to realise progress. While this research finds that 54% of businesses are reducing emissions today and 70% plan to in the next 3 years, a smaller share of businesses intend to take further action to reduce emissions indirectly. However, cloud and related technologies can be leveraged across sectors to unlock environmental benefits, far beyond the initial benefit associated with transitioning from on-premises data centres.

This research identifies 12 sustainability use cases for cloud and related technologies. While some cloud applications can be used by businesses across all sectors – like monitoring inventory in real time to minimise wastage or installing cloud-enabled AI systems to heat and cool buildings in response to current weather conditions – others present more industry-specific opportunities – such as drone-enabled crop monitoring to support agriculture productivity and incorporating climate risk into financial asset pricing.

Meet the climate challenge in Australia & New Zealand Download the report

Google Australia engaged Deloitte Access Economics to assist them in researching the role of technology, particularly cloud services, in supporting businesses within Australia and New Zealand to improve their performance on measures of environmental impact. The report is informed by a survey of 493 businesses across Australia and New Zealand, operating in a range of industries, in November 2021.

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