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Model Your Future mentoring program

...with Deloitte Access Economics

Deloitte Access Economics is proud to be a leader in diversity and a champion of women in economics. Our program has been created to inspire more women to pursue economics and policy as a profession and career path.

Applications for our 2024 Mentoring Program are now closed  (24 March 2024)

Model your future... with Deloitte Access Economics has been established to align women studying or interested in economics and policy with professionals working in economic advisory and policy consulting at Deloitte Access Economics.

We are passionate about economics and want to share that with you!

The program matches women currently studying economics with an experienced economist working in our practice. Over the course of eight months (from March to October), mentees will have four meetings with a dedicated mentor, participate in a range of thought-provoking events and be exposed to engaging economic content designed to share insights into what a career in economics could look like.

About the program

The program runs for eight months (from March to October), aligning with the academic calendar. It will deliver a mix of national and state-based events for all program participants, delivered in a mix of virtual and face-to-face meetings (where possible).

In 2023, the program was delivered in-person and online. This approach enabled us to leverage the benefits of our national economics practice and the greater breadth of presenters and content we can deliver while returning in-person components where possible.

A key component of the program will be four meetings between the mentor and mentee. The program will support the unique goals and aspirations of each mentee. This could include:

  • Navigating university decisions and opportunities in and out of the classroom
  • Revealing how economics and the study of economics and policy can be applied in practice, including the importance of economic principles in achieving good policy
  • Uncovering lessons on transitioning from university to the workplace and/or from undergraduate to further studies 
  • Reflecting on career and academic ambitions, goals, or pathways
  • Beginning to develop a professional network. 


Three key events are compulsory to attend over the course of the program. Please ensure that you are available to attend all events before you apply:

  • Welcome event | 23 April 2024
  • Event 2  | 9 July 2024
  • Event 3  | 22 August 2024
  • Program closing event  |  24 October 2024.

Our mentors are professionals with a passion for economics and policy. They are passionate about supporting others looking to enter the profession, particularly other young women. Learn from inspiring women in Australia’s largest economics practice who deliver unique insights to help public and private sector organisations plan for the future.

The Model Your Future… with Deloitte Access Economics program exposes you to industry-leading economists with diverse backgrounds and experiences that they want to share with the next generation of female economists. We understand how daunting the economics and policy profession can be from the outside; our Mentors are here to provide you with advice and guidance as you look to understand what the industry can offer you.

Enough about us; let’s talk about you. 

You'll be a curious and inquisitive female student who:

  • Is enthusiastic about meeting, discussing, learning and explore economics and policy
  • Has a passion for economics and policy 
  • Is a strong communicator – both verbally and written 
  • Is looking to pursue a career in economics or policy. 

Applications open:
March 1, 2024
Applications close: March 24, 2024

Check your eligibility

You must be a currently enrolled female university student studying economics or public policy (undergraduate or Masters level). We have city-focused programs in each of Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Hobart.

For successful applicants in other locations, including those studying in regional areas, we will endeavour to match you with an appropriate mentor from one of our teams across the country through a fully virtual version of the program.

Application questions

It is important that you have conducted thorough research and can clearly articulate in your application why Model Your Future… with Deloitte Access Economics is the right fit for you.

We are looking for brief and to-the-point responses. please provide a succinct response to the following questions for your application:

  • What year do you expect to graduate?
  • Why are you inspired by economics or public policy?
  • What do you hope to get out of your mentorship?
  • Will you be available for the full program year (i.e., March to October), including program events?

Getting back to you

At Deloitte Australia, we are absolutely committed to getting back to you as soon as we can. Whether it is by email or phone, we will let you know if you are unsuccessful or if you are progressing to the next step in the process.

You can expect a response back from us in relation to your application for Model Your Futurewith Deloitte Access Economics after the applications close.

To seek further information about the Model Your Future program, don't hesitate to get in touch with our program leads in your region:

If you are based elsewhere in Australia, please get in touch with Rachel Power ( to discuss mentorship opportunities in your city. 

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