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Return to Work Program – FAQS

Below you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most, about applying for our Return To Work Program.

Program Details

Am I eligible for the Return To Work program?

Whilst we’d love to open up the program to everyone, Return to Work is designed for those who have working rights in Australia and meet all of the below criteria:

  • Are currently on a career break for 18 months or more;
  • Possess relevant experience within professional services or an equivalent industry; and
  • Have at least 5 years prior work experience.

What is the length of the program?

A minimum 24-week program, 4 days a week. The exact dates will depend on what team you are in and will be discussed with you in the recruitment process for the program and will also appear in your contract.

What days do I need to work as part of the program?

Four days a week for the program which will be Monday – Thursday.

Can I change the days of the week that I work?

If you secure a permanent role after completing the program you can negotiate your own hours with your new team. The program has fixed days so that you can be part of the training program with your peers.

When does the program start?

The Return To Work program is offered periodically and will be advertised on our program webpage.

Can I take time off during the program?

Yes, you can request annual leave from your team as soon as the program starts. You are also eligible to use Deloitte Flex – our new flexible work policy, which supports our people to work where, when and how they want to.

Do you accept international applicants and those on a working visa?

Applicants need to have permanent residency, citizenship or New Zealand residency to apply. We cannot accept those on student or working visas. You must reside in Australia and be present for the recruitment process.

In what locations is the program eligible?

You must be residing in Melbourne, Sydney (including Western Sydney), Perth, Brisbane, or Adelaide to be eligible.

What should I do if I don’t meet the eligibility requirements for the program?

We encourage you to apply to any open role on our jobs board that suits your skills and experience. All of our roles align with our inclusion and flexible working strategy. Search jobs.


ProcessWhat is expected of me throughout the recruitment process?

It would be great if you could provide us with your resume or LinkedIn profile. If you do not have one you will be asked a series of questions about why you want to join Deloitte, the Return To Work Program, and what your career motivations are.

What is the application process?

There are four steps in the application process. We will be speaking to you throughout the process and can help you prepare for any interviews.

Step 1: Submit your online application.

Step 2: Phone interview: if your online application is successful, we will invite you to have a phone conversation with one of our Talent Acquisition Representatives, to speak to you about your experience.

Step 3: Assessment Centre: successful candidates will be asked to attend an assessment centre with a number of our Directors and Partners to participate in a mix of group activities/case studies and a one-on-one interview.

The 1:1 interview will be a behavioral-based interview, meaning you will be asked to reflect on your previous experience and draw upon examples of when you’ve applied your leadership style and project skills.

Step 4: Offer: you will always hear from us, regardless of whether you are successful or not. If you haven’t yet heard, that means your application is still being considered. Good luck!

We are committed to reviewing every single application submitted, so we appreciate your patience as we take the time to go through this process. So, sit tight for now and we look forward to connecting soon!

If your question is not related to any of the above topics, please reach out so our team can assist you

We will aim to respond as soon as we can. Good luck!

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