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Meet Nuala Cullen, Client Portfolio Manager in Enabling Areas

Read on to hear Nuala Cullen, the Client Portfolio Manager at Deloitte's Enabling Areas in Marketing, Clients & Industries, share her insights into her role, career highlights, and experiences at Deloitte.

Discover how how she uses flexible working arrangements and the impact of our Inspiring Women program.

Tell us about your role at Deloitte and what it involves? 

I currently hold the position of Diamond Client Portfolio Lead, overseeing the top 22 accounts managed by the Australian firm. In this capacity, I am responsible for the strategic management, growth, and overall performance of these high-value client accounts. This role demands a deep understanding of the clients' needs, ensuring that our services align with their objectives and delivering exceptional value.

I have been in this role since January 2023. Before stepping into this role, I had the privilege of managing some of our top client accounts and other client portfolios, gaining valuable experience that has been instrumental in my current position. 

Why first drew you to Deloitte?

I began my journey at Deloitte thanks to a referral from a former colleague with whom I had previously worked at a law firm. This colleague had joined Deloitte a year before I did and was aware of the transferability of my skillset.

The appeal of flexibility, coupled with the opportunity for rewarding work experiences and growth opportunities, was particularly enticing.

What is your career highlight or proudest moment at Deloitte so far? 

After returning to work following the birth of my second child, I was encouraged to take on the management of a completely new client portfolio, allowing me to design the strategy and develop the entire program from the ground up. It was a creative and challenging endeavor that allowed me to leverage my skills and insights to shape a new and innovative offering. 

Can you share a personal experience where you felt supported or encouraged in your career growth?

During my stay in Armagh, I was able to cherish quality time with my family and reconnect with friends, all while maintaining a flexible work schedule. It's a testament to how flexible work policies have redefined the way we work and connect, regardless of our physical location.

It's a testament to how flexible work policies have redefined the way we work and connect, regardless of our physical location.

How does Deloitte help you develop your career, and why is it important to you?

The array of opportunities I've encountered has been instrumental in my professional development. Deloitte's willingness to offer me different roles and challenges has not only kept my work interesting but has also allowed me to continually expand my skill set. The flexibility Deloitte offers is another key factor in my job satisfaction, enabling me to balance my professional and personal life.

Could you share your personal experience with parental leave?

During my tenure at Deloitte, I've taken parental leave on two separate occasions. In both instances, upon my return to work, I was fortunate to be presented with the opportunity to adjust and flex my role. This flexibility not only allowed me to maintain my professional responsibilities but also to effectively balance them with my personal commitments as a parent. Deloitte's support in this regard has been instrumental in enabling me to successfully navigate the dual roles of a dedicated professional and a committed parent.

Have you taken part in any of the leadership, development programs or pathways, and what was your experience like?

I participated in the Deloitte Inspiring Women program this year, a 10-month program that recognises and celebrates the firm’s most respected peer leaders and provides a tailored journey of education, exposure, experience and support.

Participating in the Deloitte Inspiring Women program has been an incredibly rewarding and transformative experience for me. The network I built during the program continues to be a source of inspiration and support in my professional journey.

Why do you believe Deloitte is an excellent fit for women considering a career move?

Deloitte offers a wealth of opportunities and flexible working arrangements for women. My advice would be to nurture your network and continuously build relationships. Deloitte encourages you to ‘own your own career,’ so be open to and accepting of opportunities that come your way.


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