8 February 2022: Deloitte and Salesforce have teamed up to develop a national talent development program to boost diversity in the technology industry and help close a growing skills gap.
The Digital Career Compass program will focus on reaching a diverse cross-section of the community, including Indigenous Australians, women returning to the workforce, and retired athletes, who will be provided with the training and technical skills to kick-start a career in technology.
Deloitte Lead Partner, Salesforce, Claire Gillies said: “In response to the growing technical skills gap in Australia we wanted to take a lead in being part of the solution. We have therefore developed a unique program, in partnership with one of our key alliance partners, Salesforce, to create a diverse development program that will give people the opportunity to learn new skills. Our focus will be on working with candidates who demonstrate the right aptitude and attitude, rather than on higher education qualifications, to reflect the rich diversity of our community.”
Participants will receive Salesforce technical and business skills training, access to Salesforce’s Trailhead Virtual Bootcamp program, mentoring from highly experienced professionals, career support and access to masterclasses.
At the end of the 12-week training period, participants will be connected with employers in the Salesforce ecosystem. IDC Research, commissioned by Salesforce, found that by 2026 Salesforce and its ecosystem of partners and customers will add over 104,000 new jobs in Australia.
The initiative will also contribute to Deloitte’s global commitment to impact 100 million futures by 2030.
Eligible participants can reach out to Fitted for Work, Goanna Solutions and Australian Athletes Alliance for further information on the program. The first intake commences in March and will graduate May 2022.
Tara Ridley, Vice-President Alliances and Channels at Salesforce ANZ said: “There is an urgent need to increase the number of skilled professionals in the technology industry and for the industry to better represent the diversity of the Australian community. Deloitte and the program’s NFP partners will help Australians from all backgrounds enter rewarding new careers.
”Elizabeth Trewhella, She Works Manager, Fitted for Work said: “This is a real opportunity to upskill women and provide them with the opportunity to re-enter the workforce. We’re proud to partner with Deloitte and Salesforce to bring this program to our community.”
Lisa Sarago, Chief Executive Officer, Goanna Solutions said: “As an Aboriginal-owned and operated organisation, we are focused on closing the digital gap by offering opportunities to equip our community with skills for the future, access to employment opportunities and networks. We celebrate the commitment by Deloitte, Salesforce and other organisations in the ecosystem to create a diverse workplace.”
Jacob Holmes, General Secretary, Australian Athletes Alliance said: “We’re pleased to be working with Deloitte and Salesforce on this program to provide the opportunity for elite athletes to learn valuable skills to assist them with a meaningful career beyond sport.”
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