We are the Women in Cloud. We solve problems, see possibilities and create impact. We are making a difference, from the first day of school to the corner office, and from the farmer’s field to the factory floor. This could be you.
The era of discs and large desktops might be gone, but that reminds Jingjing, or Jing – as she prefers to be called – of the time when her parents recommended that she “learn the computer stuff.” She was young, around seven or eight years old, but that stoked an interest in technology that has turned into a passion over the years. Tapping into that passion, Jing made a career in technology by pursuing software engineering—where coding caught her interest the most because of its simplicity.
Jing joined Deloitte in 2020 as a cloud engineer—providing end-to-end solutions in running client’s managed cloud infrastructure, optimising application and data portfolios. In her last project, Jing helped her client to evaluate their customer experience with an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based application for call centre monitoring. According to Jing, machine learning and cloud are some of the most current trends in the industry and are truly instrumental in the way they are benefiting people’s lives.
Personally, contributing to successful client engagements makes her feel that she is making an impact both for Deloitte and for the clients as well. As a working parent, Jing feels it makes it easier to understand clients’ concerns and how to communicate with clients. Jing strongly believes in building trust with her clients to be successful in her role. “It’s a mutual way—I trust them, they trust me. That’s really the moment when I enjoy what I’m doing. And I really feel that I am helping Deloitte’s clients.”
Cloud, though, was completely a new beginning and a milestone for Jing’s career altogether. Before starting her career in cloud, she took nearly a four-year break in order to focus on her personal life – taking care of her family and raising a child – but the world around her changed too. “It was difficult for me to start in the same field in which I had my prior experience, as the technology is changing very fast and every day new things are coming up,” she reflects. Meanwhile, Jing had relocated to Australia, where a combination of extensive career opportunities in cloud and her passion for technology helped to reboot her career.
Working in cloud is fun for Jing, as different cloud providers with many different services lead to new challenges and learning opportunities every day. She says, “No matter how big or small the organisation is, we can find the most suitable solutions by utilising the cloud.” Jing also believes cloud is inevitable, and the bonus comes in the form of its huge market demand. She encourages anyone who is interested to explore a career in cloud. “One doesn’t necessarily need to be a technologist to start a career in cloud. Working in cloud is not just a good start but an easy start as well”, recalling her start in cloud at Deloitte, where she received tremendous support and resources to nurture her growth. “I’m really good at what I’m doing”, she adds confidently.
She would love to have more women join her in the Deloitte Cloud Community –to continue to bring in the diversity of opinion that different genders bring to the table. Jing also strongly feels that sharing stories of women like her will inspire and encourage more women to join the cloud workforce and be a part of the cloud conversation.