US$160 billion – that’s the economic boost our latest TMT Predictions report estimates for Asia Pacific region if businesses increase investment in, and take greater advantage of, cloud-based technologies. Especially in preparation for and in response to external disruption.
In fact, we’ve identified the telecommunications, media and technology (TMT) sector to be one of the most disrupted between now and 2024, as a result of both external market and internal business forces. With disruption comes opportunity... the rate at which speed and agility can be leveraged will set organisations apart – this will be critical for businesses to survive and thrive.
Regional business leaders who participated in the TMT predictions identified several core organisational benefits associated with implementing cloud technology: 86% of respondents indicated that by implementing cloud, they were better prepared to respond to future challenges and needs within their respective organisations; 72% stated they were already experiencing benefits in operations efficiency; closely followed by the ability to expand to new customer segments and revenue and profit growth.
These trends indicate that business leaders are expecting investments in cloud technology to have an impact on the future bottom line, by helping to streamline everyday business operations today. The highest ranked use cases for cloud adoption in the TMT sector included digital channel enablement and communications with customers, cloud technology infrastructure, AI/ML, data analytics and personalisation. You can read more about these trends in our TMT Predictions Report (link below).