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Simulator builds skills and helps them “stick"

Professional problem-solvers need to be able to find solutions quickly and efficiently. Armed with the right skills and techniques, this becomes easier with time and practise. However, it can be difficult for problem-solvers to develop these skills if they do not have an environment that is “safe-to-fail” or in the midst of a crisis situation.

Kepner-Tregoe is utilising a Troubleshooting Simulation developed by Sim4People which allows learners to practise their problem-solving skills in a neutral workshop setting with a trained instructor.

The simulator is an excellent learning tool, very engaging way to practice implementing the process. (BlueScope Port Kembla, Jul 2022)

The Simulation is used in conjunction with training in Kepner-Tregoe’s unique problem-solving methodology and accelerates the transfer of skills learnt in the classroom back onto the job.

Great to put theory into practice. Liked that we did simulations first so could see the benefits of the theory the next day. (CoreLogic, Oct 2022)

Learners are challenged to apply their skills quickly and efficiently and under time pressure. Participants are involved in group discussions and receive coaching through the process from a real-time instructor. The Troubleshooting Simulation can be used with an instructor in a virtual workshop setting or a face-to-face learning environment.

This was a big surprise to me, I was concerned doing the training remotely might diminish from the quality however I actually think the training is better suited to being delivered virtually. (BlueScope Port Kembla, Jul 2022)

The simulation environment is ideal for teams and group environments. It allows groups to work together and learn from other participants skills and experience.

I loved the simulator exercises. A great format for group learning especially in a virtual training room. Kudos to KT. (BlueScope Port Kembla, Jul 2022)

"Simulator was really good and allowed a physical process to be easily visualised. It also provided a combination of OT and IT functions allowing effective contributions from participants with different skills and experience. (BlueScope Port Kembla, Jul 2022)"

The Troubleshooting Simulation experience has value for participants across a range of working backgrounds. Whether your team is based in manufacturing, health, IT or finance, your problem-solving skills can be readily applied and developed.

Was very interactive and helpful in understanding… Simulator was awesome (RBA, Nov 2022)

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Contact us
Ishita Terry - Senior Manager, Consulting

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