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A blueprint for enhanced citizen experiences

The case for simple, smart and personalised government services

How can government ensure the correct messages are consistently getting through to the people who need them most to improve public service outcomes and galvanise elevated trust?

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian government websites have received close to 1 billion visits as the demand for trusted public information and support services significantly increased across the population.

Whilst government departments and agencies have managed the uplift in demand for digital access, there is room to improve the citizen experience.

To better understand what type of government information individuals access online, what they value and their experiences, preferences and expectations, Deloitte Access Economics surveyed over 1,000 Australians on behalf of Adobe and compiled the findings into this report, the third edition in the series.

Following on from the previous edition, this year’s report sets out to investigate the potential citizen and government benefits of personalisation. It draws on Australian and global examples, the results of the survey, user case studies as well as insights from senior government leaders, from across Australia.

A blueprint for enhanced citizen experiences

Published: February 2021

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