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Global Real Estate Outlook Webinar

March 2022

Our Global Commercial Real Estate Outlook webinar focused on global trends and issues impacting the real estate landscape. The webinar provided insights and key findings from Deloitte’s recent global survey on how businesses are adjusting to market realities, technology investments, new offerings to tenants and more.

Key takeaways


  • Over 80% of respondents were very optimistic about 2022 and felt that their revenues in the upcoming year will remain stable or increase
  • When the global survey was conducted (Jul-Sep 2021) the number one concern of respondents was rental collection. For example, with over 7 billion GBP in outstanding rent, the British government tried to work through the rental collection issue and also looked at the Australian model, in which the Australian government came up with a code of conduct for landlords and tenants to work together to resolve outstanding rental amounts. The top concern for North America was outstanding debt and for Asia Pacific, it was investor-lender relations (lending caps imposed in China and lending restriction issue).
  • From the survey, Deloitte has developed five themes for real estate enterprises to focus on:
  1. Innovating through Real estate-as-a-service
  2. Re-evaluating portfolios for greater differentiation
  3. Social issues & ESG have emerged as a top focus
  4. Talent trend and redefining how employees connect to their company
  5. Technology as the foundation for digital services
  • Capital transactions into the Australian real estate market from Hongkong, Singapore, Southeast Asia and Japan have been strong. The panel discussed that for the North American market, the interests and opportunities still exist but a lack of transactions was potentially due to the pandemic and the traditional ways of doing due diligence. Changes have also been observed across Asia Pacific for location decisions, sizing requirements and building selection criteria.
  • For new developments, the key considerations for tenants are embedded technologies, community and sustainability. The panel also discussed how technologies can help improve the tenant and end-user experience, and retrofitted trends for office, retail and hotel sectors.

Thank you to our guest speakers


Kathy Feucht, Deloitte's Global Real Estate Sector Leader, for proving a global perspective and how it relates to us in Asia Pacific
Matt Beasley, Dexus’ project director, for sharing his insights into the Waterfront Project

Global Real Estate Outlook Webinar | March 2022

Global Real Estate Outlook,March 2022


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