There are however many technology solutions coming to market to provide customers with options to save money and increase control. Solar and wind are already the cheapest forms of new build generation and set to continue to get cheaper. The latest AEMO levelised cost of energy (LCOE) estimates have new build wind at $63.60/MWh and solar PV at $58.40/MWh, less than any other generation source. Renewables are set to be the majority generation provider within 10-15 years and, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, produce 90 per cent of Australia’s energy needs by 2050.
Demand management and load-shifting energy storage are already economic and wider use of batteries, electric vehicles, microgrids, building-integrated solar and many more are rapidly approaching price parity. There is certainly no shortage of technology solutions being developed to take advantage of the transition to a low carbon economy. Deloitte is working with many of these technology providers to build effective and creative ways for them to grow substantial and profitable market penetration.With incumbents needing to transform, new entrants looking to grow and technology providers accelerating growth, the finance sector is working hard to provide support for the best opportunities. Commercial mechanisms that are growing quickly and have the potential to make significant impacts include Green Bonds, Corporate PPAs and Building Upgrade Finance.
In particular, the various forms of Corporate PPAs are currently growing rapidly in Australia and any business with an energy bill of more than $1 million is likely to be able to negotiate significant cost savings in this way. We have seen organisations save 30-40 per cent on their bills from pursuing this opportunity.