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Deloitte Western Australia Index 2023

Diggers and Dealers Special Edition

Welcome to the 2023 Diggers & Dealers special edition of the Deloitte WA Index. This year the market capitalisation of Western Australian listed entities closed at A$363.3 billion, up 21% for the year to 30 June 2023. Having navigated the challenges of COVID-19 in 2020/21, the economic upheaval stemming from targeted economic sanctions, prolonged supply chain disruptions and the impacts of rising inflation in most global economies, there’s a realisation that the only certainty for global markets, is uncertainty.

Deloitte WA Index High Growth Award Winners 

As is customary for our Diggers & Dealers Special Edition, we recognise the top performing companies in the Deloitte WA Index delivering outstanding market capitalisation growth over the year. Congratulations to all.

The Top 3 movers in the WA Index Top 20 in terms of market capitalisation growth for the year ended 30 June 2023 - Liontown Resources, Pilbara Minerals and De Grey Mining.

The Top 3 movers in the WA Index Top 100 in terms of market capitalisation growth for the year ended 30 June 2023 - WA1 Resources, Meteoric Resources and Azure Minerals.

Feature articles:

Sustainability in mining is a continuous journey, and one that the industry should be proud to say it is making significant progress through innovation and investment. Iterative innovations and out of the box thinking continues to bring great advancement in how things are done in mining, through the consistent application of a sustainability mindset.

In this special edition, we have included three articles on the topic of sustainability. We gain the views from Australia’s future leaders on sustainable, mining, we delve into the role of hydrogen in Western Australia’s energy future and provide tips to deliver renewable energy projects.

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