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Mental Health Reform

Webinar Series

Australian businesses are facing challenges like never before, from talent shortages and the rapid advancement of technology to the effects of climate change. It’s imperative for organisations to be nimble and adaptable, and to do this they need to adopt modern strategies that re-architect the way they work.

Re-architecting work varies significantly between each organisation; however, the transformation all serves one common goal – to create an intelligent and effective workforce that can quickly adapt to the ongoing challenges of the modern economy. This in turn will enable the organisation to be more resilient, capable, and efficient.

No matter where your organisation is on its re-architecting journey, technology is likely to play a critical role in enabling that change and ensuring success. Watch the below webinars to learn how Deloitte and ServiceNow can come together to help your organisation realise its full potential.

Listen to the webinars and podcast below to learn how Deloitte and ServiceNow can come together to help your organisation realise its full potential.

Recordings of the 4 sessions can be found below

One of the many challenges to achieving better mental health systems and outcomes is workforce; including capability, capacity and change readiness. Key issues impacting on the quality, supply, distribution and structure of the mental health workforce include workforce shortages across key provider types, and in rural and remote areas; barriers to attraction and recruitment into mental health careers; and challenges to retention of existing staff. Further, these reforms intend to shift the paradigm away from traditional medicalised approaches, with greater emphasis being placed on community health and lived experience. Opportunities exist in terms of innovative workforce interventions, as well as the potential brought about by disruptive digital mental health technologies.

Join us for a Q&A-style webinar which will explore these challenges and possibilities, while focusing on practical ideas and implementable workforce solutions. The panel will feature leading global and local mental health and workforce experts who will explore topics such as the future of work, worker and workplace; the role of leaders and system stewards in driving change; as well as considering how leaders should be thinking about workforce elements such as employee experience.


  • Dr Melanie Kohn - Assistant Deputy Minister, Mental Health and Addictions at Ministry of Health, Ontario, Canada
  • Dr Leanne Beagley, Chief Executive officer at Mental Health Australia
  • Cameron Pitt, Workforce Transformation Specialist at Deloitte Australia


  • Dr Stephanie Allen, Global Healthcare Lead at Deloitte Australia

View the recoding here

In celebration of Mental Health Week 2021, we hosted the second webinar in our Mental Health series which was a Q&A-style webinar where we explored funding and governance challenges and possibilities, while focusing on practical ideas and implementable solutions. The panel featured leading funding and governance experts who explored topics such as system stewardship, living experience leadership, clarity of roles and responsibilities, intra-and inter-organisational governance and funding model options.


  • John Brodgen AM, Chair of Lifeline Australia
  • Fran Thorn, ex Secretary of Department of Health and Department of Human Services Victoria
  • James Downie, CEO of the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA)

Opening Remarks

  • Luke Baxby, National Healthcare Lead at Deloitte Australia


  • Mark Dingle, Partner Deloitte Australia (and Board Member, UnitingCare Australia)

View the recoding here

If the content in this recording raises any concerns for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 for 24/7 crisis support or visit Alternatively, contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, 24 hours / 7 days a week.

History shows us that many change programs fail or do not meet expectations. So, what is it that we can do differently across mental health reform to build on implementation lessons of the past, and support the successful delivery of our future mental health system?

The final session in our mental health reform series was a Q&A-style webinar where we explored change management and implementation challenges and possibilities, while focusing on practical ideas and implementable solutions. The panel featured leading mental health and transformation experts who explored topics such as change leadership, behaviour-first change, change-mindsets, and planning and implementation fundamentals.


  • Lucinda Brogden AM, Chair of the National Mental Health Commission
  • Gill Callister, Chief Executive Officer of Mind Australia
  • Bill Eggers, Executive Director, Deloitte Center for Government Insights

Opening Remarks

  • Amelia Walters, Youth Advisor to the headspace board


  • Bonnie Rowe, Mental Health Advisory Lead Director, Deloitte Australia

View the recording here

It is fair to say, there is a lot happening in mental health reform.The question now is, how are we measuring the impact of all this reform in order to support its ongoing implementation?

Deloitte Australia and Mind Australia partnered together to present a webinar that considered:

  • Who decides what is being measured?
  • How should measurement (i.e. monitoring and evaluation) be resourced?
  • What should happen with evidence that is gathered, and how can it be shared to enhance our collective knowledge about what works, and what doesn’t?

This fourth and bonus webinar in our Mental Health Reform series was a Q&A-style webinar where we explored these questions, while focusing on practical ideas and implementable monitoring and evaluation solutions. The panel featured leading mental health and evaluation experts who explored topics such as setting and aligning on outcomes, the role of lived/living experience in evaluation, roles and responsibilities across the system, as well as transparency and knowledge sharing.


  • Dr Louise Byrne, Lived Experience researcher at RMIT University
  • Leilani Darwin, CEO and Founder at First Nations Co
  • Nicola Ballenden, Executive Director Research, Advocacy and Policy Development at Mind Australia


  • Luke Condon, Partner and Senior Evaluator at Deloitte Access Economics

View the recoding here

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