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Meet Tanya - Partner, Consulting

Meet Tanya West, a Partner in our WA health team. Tanya focuses primarily on operational transformation, system performance, workforce of the future and complex program management

How did your passion for healthcare start and what was the motivation for pursuing a career in healthcare?

I am a clinical nurse by background. I started my career in nursing and specialised in intensive care. I come from a long line of nurses within my family and wanted to be a nurse ever since I was a small child. I feel passionate about delivering excellent healthcare to our communities - that should apply to access, outcomes, experience for patients and staff and equity.

What motivated you to pursue this specialisation over other fields within the healthcare industry?

I have always been focused on healthcare and feel passionate about contributing to a world-class contemporary healthcare system in Australia.

Could you provide a brief overview of your professional journey leading up to your current role?

I spent the first 10 years of my career in nursing across a variety of London Hospitals. Deciding to leave nursing was a big decision but healthcare has always stayed close to my core with jobs in EMR software, healthcare consulting, learning and development and complex program management. I came to Australia for 18 months almost 10 years ago to run the PMO to commission and open Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, WA. I fell in love with WA and haven't left. 4 Hospital commissioning projects later and many other interesting projects, new friends, houses, and memories have led me to my current role at Deloitte in the Healthcare Practice for Consulting.

What skills and capability do you bring to transform health?

A deep understanding of the complex challenges around healthcare delivery with a pragmatic approach to solutions. Time, tenacity and focus to keep driving the change that we need.

What can you tell us about your role at Deloitte and the work you're involved in?

It's such a privileged position to lead so many exciting healthcare projects both locally and nationally. I lead the "Humans of Health" team for System Sustainability and Workforce of the Future. My purpose is to contribute to a world-class contemporary health system and grow the next generation of leaders.

Can you tell us about some of the skills or experiences you've gained by working on Health-related projects at Deloitte?

The skills you need to work at Deloitte in the healthcare team are broad but mainly you need to have a logical approach to problem-solving, focus on delivery outcomes and the ability to communicate effectively at many levels.

What notable achievements or initiatives have you led that have had a significant impact on healthcare outcomes?

Some of the work I have been most proud of is when we work collaboratively with our clients to drive an outcome. Blended teams with a mix of Deloitte people and client-side expertise drive a targeted outcome with upsides for both. I am particularly proud of work that is focused on improving outcomes for patients in a variety of ways - including safely commissioning health services for new hospitals, smoothing out patient pathways, breaking down silos in hospital ways of working and digital transformation. I am shamelessly excited by complex programs and bringing about the rigour they need to deliver.

What impact are you looking to have on the sector and what is your vision for the future of healthcare?

My vision for healthcare is that we can receive care in the environment that we want to, at home, in school or elsewhere and that we have connected care pathways that deliver us the best capabilities that the world has to offer. That we create a system that the best talent wants to work in and that no matter who or where we are we received the best!

Anything else you’d like to share?

At Deloitte,  wear many hats - we are mothers, daughters, husbands, and brothers. Us and the people we love are users of our health system and we are committed to improving it for everyone.
