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Let’s Make it Adelaide!

Bigger. Bolder. Brighter.

We’re a group of South Australians united by a common purpose: to make Adelaide bigger, bolder and brighter than ever before!

We’re on a journey to transform our state by 2027 – cementing its place as one of Australia’s most compelling and exciting places to live, work and invest – and then, spreading the message locally and globally.

Our latest paper, Make it a plan Adelaide, is our action plan – a robust roadmap to 2027 providing a series of opportunities to shape Adelaide’s future.

Our journey so far

The first report in our Make it Adelaide series, Make it big Adelaide, built a vision for what South Australia could be – home to two million people by 2027, with economic growth fuelled by eight key sectors in line with the state’s competitive advantages and global trends.

Our second and third reports, Make it your Adelaide, focussed on how Adelaide can unlock the potential of our city and regions, and the importance each play in achieving this goal.

Making it happen

By 2027, to be a state home to two million people and a thriving $134 billion economy we need to play to our strengths. We believe in a more prosperous and exciting Adelaide, not a bad copy of what exists elsewhere. Download the plan and explore the 25 opportunities we’ve identified to kick-start the transformation of Adelaide and South Australia.

Not one big conversation, but millions of small ones

The reason we’re doing this isn’t to influence one decision, but to change millions of minds. Help us spread the word that together we can Make It Adelaide, using #makeitadelaide

Let’s get on with it!

The A-grade of Adelaide

Watch our short video on raising the bar on innovation, excellence and action.

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