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Future Cities Strategy and Planning

A precinct response

Australia is grappling with the evolution of its innovation-based economy, rapid and sustained population growth in Metropolitan Centers and decentralisation to Regional Centers, and rising infrastructure costs to service growth– and we are responding through developing Precincts. Precincts are place based focal points for Public and Private investment and development that improve liveability and drive economic growth and prosperity.

We can help you at every stage of the Precinct lifecycle:

Propose: Vision, branding, governance, program funding

Plan: Development strategy and masterplan, prioritisted asset and infrastructure strategy, proritisation design strategy, funding and finance strategy, procurement strategy, project business case

Deliver: Investment attraction, legislative reform, transactions, construction, Q&M.

We offer end to end services– from front end design through to activation and investment strategies, delivery and governance models (including tax and legal advice) and transaction design and execution through to on-going asset management support. Our end to end view ensures that the Precinct Vision and subsequent value creation is realised though meaningful collaboration between the Public and Private Sectors throughout the lifecycle.

We‘ll support you on today’s toughest challenges including:

  • Harnessing innovation for economic growth
  •  Rapid and sustained population growth
  • The cost and efficiency of infrastructure
  • We help you transform projects from today’s plans to tomorrow’s solutions. It starts now.

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