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Designing Western Sydney

Shaping Future Cities

A new blueprint for the economic transformation of Western Sydney, released December 2015. A plan to create 200,000 great new jobs by 2020.

One in ten Australians already live in Western Sydney, and one million more will live here by 2031. It is the third largest economy in Australia, contributing $100 billion in 2013. Badgerys Creek will be the first new international airport built in Australia in over 50 years and there is $35 billion of major infrastructure planned in the region. Despite the opportunities, issues around employment access, labour force skills and social disadvantage persist.

Deloitte has worked with business and government to create a blueprint for the economic transformation of Western Sydney: a vision that unites the multiple stakeholder perspectives on how to transform and restructure the region, in order to create 200,000 great new jobs by 2020.

Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney outlines how best to enable people to work, live and play in the Western Sydney area, rather than commuting to the Sydney CBD. This, in turn, will encourage residents to build strong local communities, which will create more jobs and a greater sense of local pride and prosperity. The blueprint ultimately provides an agreed action plan to make the vision a reality.

To develop the blueprint, Deloitte has facilitated a series of focus groups, guided by a Steering Committee and working with stakeholders from across Western Sydney.

Learn more about some of the challenges and opportunities facing Western Sydney by registering to receive our focus group workshop summary reports and a copy of the final blueprint.

Watch the Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney video

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