Devastating bushfires, destructive floods, a global pandemic and even a mouse plague – the past three years have presented many challenges for our nation. Government operations that serve Australians in crisis have never been more complex and respite is not on the horizon.
This is the first blog in a two-part series that will outline the challenges and opportunities we’re seeing as Deloitte works with clients to build low-friction systems that support resilient communities.
Case Study
Following a major storm in June 2021, the Victorian Government worked with Ausnet Services to administer its Prolonged Power Outage Payment to citizens.
Ausnet Service’s access to residential electricity accounts allowed the scheme to instantly link households in precisely defined impacted areas with account details held by their electricity retailer.
This allowed payments to flow at a speed that would have been otherwise unachievable.
Read more in our part 2 of this blog series
Get in touch
The Deloitte Public Sector Operations team work with public sector clients to design, build and run customer operations.
We bring rapidly scalable teams, operational expertise and technology accelerators to high-volume case-based eligibility assessment, remediation, redress and compensation schemes, grants and application processing.