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The future of home lenders in Australia

Read our analysis of the current competitive landscape, the breakdown of issues facing the dominant providers and how digital disruption could change the home lending landscape for good.

Rising interest rates, booming property markets and the struggle of younger Australians to get a foot on the home owning ladder continuously fuel the news cycle.

But it shouldn't be a surprise that the home lending sector garners its fair share of speculative headlines.

It isn't only the knock-on effect rate hikes and climbing repayments have on the wider economy and lives of many Australians, but also that home loans remain a massive segment of Australian financial services, representing 44.5% of this AUD185.1 billion market.(1)

Changing economic conditions are just one of many factors forcing home lending lenders to assess their strategic priorities on where and how they will win.

1. IBISworld Australia Industry (Anzsic) Report K6200, March 2022

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