Trustworthy AI is ethical, lawful and technically robust. The journey to sustainable Trustworthy AI is achieved through proper governance and management of AI risks across people, processes, and technology.
The social and economic opportunities of AI are large, but Australia is lagging in the adoption of AI. Opportunities and risks must be considered across an entire organisation by senior leaders who have a proper understanding of how and why AI is being used. Confidence of Australian consumers, workers and the general public in AI innovation is critical to unlocking these opportunities. Organisations have an obligation and business imperative to ensure AI is adopted in an ethical and responsible manner.
From start-up to scale, Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI offering can prepare and support your organisation for AI innovation and adoption. Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI framework introduces six dimensions for organisations to consider when designing, developing, deploying and operating AI systems. The framework helps manage common risks and challenges related to AI ethics and governance, by ensuring your AI systems are:
Successful AI adoption depends on the deliberate prioritisation of proper AI governance, which must be embedded at all levels of an organisation. It is critical to provide the relevant level of transparency for all stakeholders regarding AI strategy and risk measurement.
Leveraging our cross-business expertise, Deloitte can partner with you in your journey to sustainable Trustworthy AI.