corporate finance sailboat


Corporate Finance

Making the world your oyster

Deloitte eshte nje firme udheheqese e financave te korporative ne Shqiperi me nje eksperience te gjere ne fushen rajonale. Prania jone prej nje kohe te gjate, na ka mundesuar ndertimin e njohurive ne thella neper nje game te gjere te sektoreve.

Corporate Finance specialists support clients ranging from corporate and financial investors to governments, private companies, and individuals, in the provision of independent financial advice. 

Whether you are seeking to expand either organically or through acquisition, realise value through a disposal or restructuring, raise new finance or improve balance sheet funding efficiencies, our emphasis is on delivering innovative effective solutions tailored towards your specific requirements.

Deloitte is a leading corporate finance firm in Albania with a broad experience in the regional area as well. Our long-time presence has enabled us to build supreme knowledge across a broad range of sectors. 

Holding a prime position in the Albanian financial advisory services market place and having an integrated team of transaction advisors, we provide independent and specialist advice that can assist our clients in generating and maximizing value.  

We have experts in all industry sectors and will tailor our advice to meet our clients’ needs.