Life at Deloitte

Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co. New Graduate Recruitment

We cherish and value world-class Tax professionals as our Intellectual Capital. True professionals are those who are constantly learning and improving their abilities, who guard the fairness of our society and who actively contribute to its development. Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Accountants Co. is building a bright future, why not join us?

The Deloitte Tohmatsu Talent vision focuses on 4 major pillars: Intellectual Capital, Integrity, Specialization, and People Skills.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Tax Co. considers talented individuals as Intellectual Capital and regards tax professionals as capital who can raise their value through training and experience.

We believe in the necessity for our talented individuals to have a spirit of unwavering Integrity, which will support and enable our professionals to respond to the various needs of clients with responsibility and pride.

In a complicated and internationalized Tax environment, Tax professionals need to me more and more Specialized. In addition, our professionals also need People Skills to win the trust of clients, to accept the diversity of various personalities and opinions, and to be able to build better partnerships.

Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co. will continue to be a place where professionals can hone these qualities.

Transfer Pricing Service New Graduate & Periodic Recruitment

The transfer pricing service is one of the service groups of the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Tax Co. and has the very challenging task to improve professional skills while playing an active role on the international stage.

We handle a wide variety of industries, we handle not only companies but also negotiate with the National Tax Bureau of Japan or with international tax bureaus. As we’re always dealing with issues beyond our national borders, there are frequent changes to international tax matters which require constant study and adaptation.

There are few professionals that have a deep knowledge of transfer pricing, which leads to the fact that these professionals have a high market value among professional service firms.

We believe that promising professionals who can experience transfer pricing work from an early stage will develop into talented professionals who can work and compete on a global level, and we are focusing on recruiting new graduates with an emphasis on talent development.

After joining the company, you will be deeply involved in projects from an early stage, and will be given responsible roles at the same time.

If you are a highly intelligent curious person who can work flexibly, are creative and inquisitive on an everyday basis, and are not afraid to demonstrate such power, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Transfer pricing service New Graduate Recruitment website (Japanese only)

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