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Digitizing from cellar

to cyber.

technology solutions

Digitizing from cellar to cyber.

technology solutions

You’re the expert on cru, maceration, and imperials. But what about cloud, mobile, winery software, and Internet of Things (IoT)? Take a closer look at how Deloitte’s technology solutions can help you transform your winery into an innovative operation that’s driven by data.

Many wineries today struggle to gain a clear line of sight across their operations, including:

  • Financial data—Without accurate costing data, it’s tough to know what your margins will be.
  • Customer data—If you lack insight into customer buying patterns and preferences, it’s difficult to capture direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales.
  • Supply chain data—Spotty details on materials, utilities, and transportation? It’s a challenge to forecast and deliver.

Our Winery Digital™ offering can bring new transparency to your business through integrated technology solutions.

Transform your business with the help of our full suite of leading-edge technologies designed for the wine industry.Download brochure



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Pair Winery Digital™ solutions with our other services and solutions for greater impact.

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