
Generative AI transforming government


Generative AI has ushered in a new era of intelligent automation in government. When paired with other forms of automation and appropriate human judgment, generative AI has the potential to make government more efficient and more effective. However, doing so requires understanding how the technology impacts work and the unique barriers in different sectors.

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The authors would like to thank Kavita Majumdar, Shambhavi Shah, Rupesh Bhatt, and Abrar Khan from Deloitte Insights for their editorial support. The authors would also like to thank Sofia Sergi, Jaime Austin, Joanie Pearson, Denise Weiss, Molly Piersol, Pooja N Lnu, Sonya Vasilieff, Melissa O’Brien, and Caroline Hennessy for designing the interactive webpage and graphics for the collection of generative AI articles.