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Jo Mitchell-Marais

Director | Africa Turnaround and Restructuring Leader | Financial Advisory

Jo is the Africa Turnaround & Restructuring leader and a well-recognised subject matter expert in the industry. Frequently speaking at local and Africa-related conferences, Jo is able to demonstrate her excellent technical competence. Having recently re-entered the advisory domain at Deloitte and armed with 19 years Financial Services industry experience, Jo brings significant lender-side perspective to the service offering having led teams in a leading local South African bank, as well as a global alternative credit finance fund for the past seven years.

A UK chartered accountant by qualification and serving as a board member of the South African Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association, Jo is passionate about creating sustainable value for her clients - ensuring that what is usually a stressful and pressured situation is managed in an assured, calm manner with specialised expertise.

Jo has recently been awarded her INSOL Fellow designation, following the successful completion of the INSOL GIPC (an international cross-border insolvency qualification) with honours.