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Deloitte Ukraine’s Impact Report 2021-2022

Message from our Managing Partner

Our global strategic priority is to facilitate the economic prosperity of Ukraine and improve social wellbeing. Even now, in a destabilized environment, total ambiguity and conflicts, we continue to provide high-quality services and support our clients in overcoming the most difficult challenges.

Two years ago, we issued our non-financial report entitled Making an Everyday Impact That Matters and could not even imagine the new meaning these words would acquire soon. When asked to assess previous two fiscal years, I would definitely refer to the elimination of COVID-19 consequences and the cruel experience of a full-fledged war in our beloved country. Time and again, we have to learn to adapt to the new reality. It was a period of testing our adherence to our values, a time to search for uncommon solutions, and care for what matters most to us – our people. I can be confident summarizing that I am proud of our resilience and achievements we reached despite the difficulties.


With its 177-year history, Deloitte continues to be the largest professional services company in the world. Over the past few years, we have undergone a transformation that gives us a strategic advantage under current conditions. Although modern realities impact our routine, we try not only to keep the pace but even to move faster.

In this Report, we deliberately changed the reporting philosophy: we strive not only to maintain a transparent and open dialogue with our stakeholders, but also to tell about our activities and encourage others to act.

We are confident in our goal – “making an impact that matters”

Our impact is reflected in our everyday activities – from a critical approach to interaction with our clients and partners, from fulfillment of top-priority tasks for the state and our business to creating a community of proactive leaders, as well as focusing on complicated social issues, such as trust, partnership, responsibility, inclusion, etc. For instance, in the reporting period, we held our key event for the public leaders, businesses, and society – the 7th Annual Conductors of Changes Forum. The topic of the forum was responsibility, as it directly impacts our everyday life and can be measured by performance, engagement, and financial success indicators. The event traditionally included a social component – this time we supported the Teach for Ukraine educational initiative. In addition, our team made sure the Forum was inclusive.



And this is just one of the examples. Our sustainable development strategy is based on the paradigm of Deloitte's global network - World Impact, which consists of four key directions: WorldClass, Impact Every Day, WorldClimate and All In. We initiated and participated in many initiatives, projects, and programs supporting our strategy.



Employees as our main value

Our company provides a comfortable and safe working environment, offers decent working conditions, opportunities for training and professional development to meet the needs of our people, and be a destination of choice for the best talent. We consider all the requests from employees and offer a flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely, as well as activities aimed at physical and mental healthcare, fostering diversity, inclusion, etc. It is important for us that Deloitte employees show mutual respect and have the opportunity to fully deliver on their potential.

In tough times of challenges, we especially felt the staunch support of Deloitte's global team. We helped each other, Deloitte people’s families, our clients, and our partners. Individual efforts turned into a synergy of professionals from many countries of the world and produced outstanding results. Together as one, we make an impact for building a better future.

Helping the society

We are convinced that only a free and developed country may foster business leadership, and we try our best to make Ukraine fit the standard. We openly share our knowledge and accumulated professional experience. Our surveys, alerts, and webinars contain relevant and useful information both for operational activities and strategic management decision-making.

We are proud of being a part of educational capacity-building within WorldClass program, specifically, by supporting the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine – a national award for the best teachers in Ukraine – and the Teach for Ukraine educational initiative aimed to eliminate educational inequality in Ukraine. We support the not-for-profit sector in Ukraine, specifically, by delivering lectures for NGOs and offering financial aid.

In addition, we realize the importance of cities and local communities’ development, therefore we actively engage in regional and municipal development.

Environmental protection

The professional activities of Deloitte Ukraine do not have a direct negative impact on the environment, yet we are convinced that we can contribute to a greater environmental awareness. We continue collaborating with our employees, suppliers, and clients to achieve sustainable development in the country.

We are proud to participate in founding the Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus platform initiated by the World Economic Forum within the Climate Governance Initiative. As an intellectual partner, Deloitte will share professional views and knowledge with the leaders of different companies to help them efficiently manage risks and opportunities resulting from climate change.



The war that brought dramatic changes to our lives

In early March, Deloitte announced the withdrawal from russian and belarusian markets, and as early as in May we terminated all operational activities in these countries, leading the way for other professional services providers. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Deloitte has been reliably supporting Ukraine, and in professional activities we aim to help our state withstand and recover as soon as possible. We feel that our stakeholders express explicit unity around this goal.

In the face of unprecedented challenges, we managed to keep the job places and salaries for our employees, thereby supporting the economic capacity of Ukraine.

Since the full-scale hostilities started, we have been greatly supported by Deloitte's global team. Global network offices facilitated us in relocating the employees and their families to safe places and provided all kinds of financial and psychological support. Our colleagues from different countries actively contributed to supporting Ukraine globally. We extend our warmest thanks to Deloitte`s global network for such significant support.



"Although the war affected each and every one of us, we helped each other and our families, adapted to difficulties, and maintained a common ground in views and intents."



Together, we can build better futures

I am deeply grateful to all those supporting us and staying by our side. I thank Deloitte people for keeping unprecedented unity during such disruptions, for helping each other, overcoming difficulties, and accepting challenges together. Special thanks to our clients for their trust and openness to innovative solutions even in the hardest times. I thank all our stakeholders: you encourage us to become better, develop ourselves and make an impact on a high-quality transformation of our society, economy, and the state.

I am convinced that the ensuing Report will contain even more important joint wins and achievements on the way to a sustainable future.

Sergii Kulyk,
Managing Partner at Deloitte Ukrain