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Deloitte Ukraine’s Impact Report 2021-2022


Transparent and responsible business conduct is crucial for us. We think that public disclosure of Deloitte Ukraine's progress not only caters to the transparency of the company but also makes it possible to track the close relation between responsible governance, diligent management, and corporate operational success.

It is the commitment to exemplary management practices by senior management that ensures Deloitte`s leadership position in the market. Company partners are responsible for a range of critical issues, including strategy development, planning, state and regulatory policy analysis, quality of service provision, and stakeholder engagement.

For external complaints regarding business ethics violations, a special form is available on our website.

Learn more in the Report

  • Leadership and governance
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Anti-corruption
  • Independence and transparency standards
  • Risk management
  • Privacy, Data Protection and Cyber Security
  • Business continuity
  • Stakeholder engagement and materiality

Reputation is one of the most valuable assets of Deloitte, therefore responsible business conduct is a fundamental component of our corporate culture. We are convinced that integrity and professional ethics serve as the foundation for the trust of all the stakeholders in the Deloitte brand. Ethical business culture was designed to build trust both inside the company and to our services, to mitigate ethical risks and help Deloitte people opt for correct professional choices in various situations.


Maintaining an open dialogue with stakeholders

We strive to maintain a constructive dialogue with our stakeholders, and therefore, it is especially important for us to define, engage, and respect their interests in our activities. To set apart our key stakeholders, we analyzed all communication channels, various requests, and cooperation during the reporting period. During the report preparation, we held a strategic session with directors and partners and reconsidered the stakeholder matrix.

More details about the interaction with stakeholders can be found in our report.

Delivering sustainable, long-term value

Our approach to non-financial reporting is based on disclosure in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for sustainability reporting (core option). We also highlight our contribution to Deloitte's global sustainability strategy and contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.