Deloitte Ukraine seeks to mitigate its negative environmental impact through not only reducing our own carbon and waste footprint, but also encouraging our employees and clients to take reasonable measures to save the planet.
In 2022, the Deloitte global network announced an increased investment in expanding its global practice on sustainable development and climate change, which has long been helping our clients pave their way for a more sustainable future. The global network, with its vast experience, is continuing to support business players and increasing investment in its sustainability and climate change consulting practice to USD 1 billion*.
* Learn more about expansion of our global practice on sustainable development and climate change at: Deloitte Launches Global Sustainability and Climate Business | Deloitte.
In our activities, we as a professional services firm have a relatively small impact on the environment. Deloitte Ukraine shows by example, educates, calls others to action. We share expertise, thus helping business become more sustainable and environmentally conscious.
In 2022, Deloitte Ukraine joined in the Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus initiative as intellectual partner. This platform was launched by the World Economic Forum to raise awareness among companies’ boards of directors about the impact of their businesses on climate change and the necessity to include these aspects in strategic decision-making process. Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus was created to engage and inform business leaders from Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia, and to equip them with skills and knowledge to make climate change a priority for boards of directors.
“We decided to support the creation of Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus in an extremely difficult and turbulent time for Ukraine. The Deloitte global network acts as a partner in creating many similar initiatives. Not only is sustainable development well-timed in Ukraine, but it should also be the grounds for and a goal in its reconstruction. Deloitte is ready to share ideas and knowledge in order to promote sustainable development awareness and help companies set and achieve climate goals. The launch of this initiative will help unite like-minded people from different countries and bring us closer to best practices of sustainable development.”
Yegor Grygorenko, Partner, Head of Consulting and Risk Advisory at Deloitte Ukraine, Member of the Supervisory Board of Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus
Deloitte Ukraine is proceeding with its efforts to implement measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of its activities on the environment. At the global level, our company supports overriding climate goals, in particular:
Our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets have been endorsed by the Science Based Targets initiative as necessary to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement (a 1.5°C trajectory).
Now our car fleet consists only of hybrid cars, which are more fuel-efficient. As a result of this measure, fuel consumption in FY 2021 and FY 2022 almost halved compared to previous years.
We clearly realize the need to combat climate change, thus mitigating risks to the entire ecosystem in the future. As part of this effort, Deloitte Ukraine is gradually reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.
Due to significantly decreased Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions, the total amount of emissions also showed a downward trend – 233.73 t CO2e in 2021 and 139.81 t CO2e in 2022.
Deloitte Ukraine adopts an approach to resources management that contributes to the implementation of the global strategy for lowering its environmental impacts. During the reporting period, we reconsidered the need to continue leasing our office premises and arrived at a decision to stop leasing several floors, which enabled a more balanced resources management.
We try to use water resources as efficiently as possible, ensuring responsible water consumption in Deloitte office. In the reporting period, there was a downward trend in both hot and cold water consumption. We continue to use filters and water dispensers in our office premises instead of coolers with replaceable bottles, thus reducing the use of plastic. It also results in a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions since there is no need to produce containers for us and transport them.
Separate waste collection has been applied in our office for five years. In 2021, Deloitte Ukraine directly contracted with a service provider for collection, transportation, storage, and further utilization or removal of waste materials, including paper and cardboard waste, monitors, printer cartridges, batteries, indoor and outdoor lighting lamps, and other wastes that are potentially hazardous for the environment.
In 2021-2022, by implementing digital solutions, opting out of inappropriate use of paper, and limiting office work in view of the COVID-19 pandemic, we reduced paper consumption by 1,846 kg, which is down by 48% vs. 2020.
Deloitte is continuing to maintain a “green” culture at work and at home and encourages our people to reduce waste and prudently use resources.
Since Deloitte supports its employees’ awareness of environmental protection and individual environmental responsibility, WorldClimatelearning training is a mandatory part of our training plan.
We regularly run a themed awareness campaign #DeloitteGreenDays. In 2021, it comprised a number of environmental initiatives, including webinars on the most relevant issues, such as Decluttering: How to Get Rid of Excess Stuff Without Harming the Environment, Life Hacks for an Eco-friendlier Life, Greenwashing: How to Choose Truly Eco-Friendly Products and others.
In 2021, #iAct climate initiative was run to unite all employees of the Deloitte global network, including Ukraine, in tracking their carbon footprint and becoming more aware of personal environmental responsibility. The goal of #iAct was to help our people assess their own impact on the climate in four areas: travel, food, home, and consumer behavior, and to develop personal recommendations on how to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Deloitte Ukraine actively supports the WorldClimate strategy and implements these principles in its activities.
WorldClimate is the Deloitte global network strategy on climate change, developed in fiscal year 2020 to drive responsible climate choices with due consideration for climate factors. This strategic area includes four aspects*:
* Learn more about the key components of each aspect in our previous Sustainability Report.
We strive to further increase our environmental responsibility and reduce the negative human impact on the environment.
In its practice, Deloitte does not violate any environment and responsible business policies and regulations, and supports the priorities set out in the Law of Ukraine “On the Key Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Ukraine for the Period up to 2030”. We respect major requirements and political initiatives of the European Union in sustainable development and climate action, in particular, the EU Environmental Policy and other European recommendations.