Unravelling the Budget puzzle
Our budget analysis reviews the changes introduced in the 2019/20 Tanzania Budget speech presented by Finance and Planning Minister Hon Dr. Philip Mpango. You will also find links pointing to our analysis of the budgets read out in the other East African countries of Kenya and Uganda. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of these guides, Deloitte and its associates accept no responsibility for any errors contained, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused or sustained by any person that relies on the publications.
The Finance Minister, Dr. Philip I. Mpango, tabled a TZS 33.11 trillion budget to Parliament on 13 June 2019. Themed “Building Industrial Economy for Stimulating Employment and Sustainable Social Welfare’’, this budget sought to build on the last three years where the government sought to intensify infrastructure development with a view of unlocking the industrial potential of Tanzania.