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Location, location, location in a mobile future

Residential, retail and health care property in the new mobility ecosystem

​The new mobility ecosystem involves transporting people and goods from point A to point B in different ways. And that means profound impacts on the uses—and value—of property: points A, B and everything in between.

IN the century since the automobile began to change America’s mobility landscape, urban planning and property development have centred around the car. For decades, an auto-dominated culture has shaped how people get to work, how they shop and where they live, which in turn determined the design, location and value of property developments.

But in recent years, the mobility landscape has seen important changes. In 2018, more than a third of American adults used ride-hailing services—an industry that scarcely existed less than a decade ago.1 By 2040, shared autonomous vehicles could account for more than half of road miles in the United States.2 These shifts in transporting people and goods from point A to point B imply profound impacts on the uses—and value—of property: points A, B and everything in between.

This introductory article touches on some of the challenges and opportunities that the new mobility ecosystem poses for three components of the property industry: the residential, commercial retail and health care sectors. For investors and developers, the changing demands and use of property could have significant impacts on the potential risks and returns of property portfolios, design decisions for new developments and the redesign and maintenance of existing establishments. Understanding and taking into consideration mobility trends will likely be imperative to the long-term returns of today’s property investment decisions.

The future of mobility

A series of converging technological and social forces, including the emergence of connected, electric and autonomous vehicles and shifting attitudes towards mobility, are beginning to profoundly change the way people and goods move about. Already, we are seeing the emergence of a new mobility ecosystem that can enable seamless, intermodal transportation that could be faster, cheaper, cleaner, safer, more equitable and more accessible than today (figure 1).

While much remains uncertain,3 the widespread adoption of integrated multimodal transportation, shared mobility services and ultimately autonomous vehicles is likely to shift land use demands and lead to new patterns of behaviour for consumers. Of course, the trajectory of the property market will likely be shaped not only by shifts in mobility but by population movements and urbanisation, demographic shifts, zoning and other broader regulatory changes and the condition of the overall economy.

Property impacts


While the net changes are difficult to predict, one impact of mobility trends is the likely acceleration of the gentrification already occurring in many urban areas. Decommissioned parking spaces can be repurposed to create new green spaces, wider sidewalks, dedicated bike/scooter lanes, or residential developments, increasing the allure for residents. The growing availability of micromobility services, such as e-scooters and shared bikes, can reduce car traffic, creating public spaces that are more enjoyable for all users. Coupled with a shift towards electric vehicles, air quality could improve and road noise might fall. Collectively, safer, quieter and more walkable neighbourhoods—all connected by an intermodal web of convenient, on-demand transportation options—could further increase the appeal of city living.4

Still, potentially the largest upward pricing pressure from future mobility trends could be felt in exurban communities that are far from the urban core and characterised by large amounts of relatively cheap land.5 Such towns, especially those anchored by at least one walkable lifestyle centre with retail and dining, could be poised to attract wealthier families and retirees seeking to separate their day-to-day life from the city centre, while still enjoying ready access to its amenities—a type of mixed-use development (see sidebar, “Rethinking transit-oriented development”).6

Rethinking transit-oriented development

For those who cannot or choose not to live in the urban core, suburban transit-oriented developments (TODs), anchoring community centres, could offer an attractive way to remain connected to a city while maintaining a different home life.

The Transit Oriented Development Institute defines a TOD as a development located within a certain distance (typically a half-mile, or a 10-minute walk) from a public transport centre.7 Developers can find TODs attractive for many reasons, including community-provided financial or other incentives, increased development density, reduced parking requirements, and the premiums that are attainable for residential units due to its desirable location. Well-defined TOD areas can also enable more efficient mobility offerings tailored to the area, for both people and goods.

New mobility services—including (ultimately autonomous) ride-hailing, e-scooters, and bikeshare programmes—have the potential to increase demand for housing beyond a TOD’s defined boundaries. Similarly, seamless intermodal mobility that connects to public transit could lessen the effect of the first-mile/last-mile problem,8 increasing the value of residential property outside of a TOD area as currently structured. This could prompt cities to rezone for larger TOD developments, making land within a wider radius from the transit centre more attractive for development.

Many of the collaborations and new services to extend the reach of public transport have already begun. To encourage mass transit use in the age of ridesharing, several municipalities have entered into partnerships with major industry players. Some ride-hailing and microtransit companies have inked partnerships with local authorities to integrate public transport information within their apps and to encourage the use of mass transit by offering discounted rides to transportation centres.9 Nearly half of the shared bike trips in many Chinese cities are part of a multimodal journey that includes public transit.10

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Like residential properties, the major trends unfolding in mobility are expected to impact commercial property through its effect on physical shop layouts, parking needs and configurations and the consumer shopping experience. As retailers embrace digital technologies, from the warehouse to the point of sale, physical shop layouts will likely also need to adapt to increasing demands for efficiency and consumer convenience. This could be especially true for grocery and convenience stores as they shift towards e-commerce and increasingly experiment with autonomous vehicle (AV) delivery programmes. For example, one of the largest US supermarket chains has successfully concluded an AV same-day delivery service pilot programme in Scottsdale, Arizona and is now expanding this service to customers in the Houston area.11 Similar pilot programmes are taking place across the country, such as in Oklahoma City, where AVs are delivering groceries to underserved communities and have the potential to expand to pharmaceutical and other merchant delivery programmes.12 While still facing significant regulatory and technological hurdles, drones could expand the speed and reach of stores’ delivery efforts.

As new delivery systems continue to expand, many grocery and convenience stores are expected to reallocate space towards logistics and warehousing operations as they shift towards catering less to the in-person shopper.13 Changes to shop layouts could include decreased square footage dedicated to retail shelving, increased back-of-shop warehousing facilities to accommodate more spacing for goods and automated processes for packing and distributing items; some of those changes are already underway. The supermarket of the future may increasingly resemble an Amazon fulfilment centre, with robots carrying up to 750 pounds of goods and only one minute of human labour required to load a vehicle.14

Ultimately, property investors should consider the flexibility of existing retail property assets. Grocery and convenience retailers will need to adapt physical shop layouts quickly and efficiently to accommodate the growing proliferation and sophistication of AV delivery systems. Existing facilities with ample utilities that are situated in locations with favourable road access, the necessary infrastructure to support AV, or other emerging delivery systems will likely offer attractive investment opportunities.

Health care

The health care industry is undergoing massive changes, as cost pressures and government regulations continue to force providers and payers to innovate and identify new models to serve patients. Shifts in mobility could improve access to health care for certain segments of the US population and change the way care is accessed for many more.15 This is especially true for the senior population, which is already expected to double from 2012 to 2050 as baby boomers age.16 As property developers, as well as owners and operators of senior homes, plan land purchases and forecast future revenues, they should consider how both health care and the future of mobility could affect their business.

Mobility is growing less and less dependent on the ability to drive. As autonomous driving becomes more accessible, seniors would be more easily able to visit friends and loved ones and participate in other social activities, potentially reducing their isolation. Today, more than half of nondrivers over the age of 65 do not leave home most days, partly because of a lack of transportation options.17 Autonomous driving could also make the delivery of goods and services, especially health care services, to seniors’ homes much more economical. The biggest reason most seniors move to elder housing is the ready access to health care. However, as new mobility technologies drive down the cost of transport and cost pressures continue to mount for traditional in-patient settings, many providers are developing home care capabilities. Drones are already being tested to deliver blood samples and other medical supplies.18 With more options to receive care in their houses, many seniors could delay their move to senior homes or shift towards mixed-use “55+ communities” being built near family-oriented TOD areas, enabling convenient access to loved ones.

To stimulate growth and mitigate the negative effects of new mobility options, senior living facilities and property operators would need to adjust their service mix to cater to the tastes of the increasingly independent baby boomers. For the increasing number of seniors who remain healthy enough to stay in their homes, senior living facilities can invest in creating more social programming such as fine arts, classes and hobbies. The traditional business model that focuses on the number of beds would need to be adjusted to include more large spaces such as gyms and meeting rooms. Mixed-use 55+ communities that cater to this ageing demographic and their new mobility options could also see strong demand.

An emerging opportunity: Living mobility labs

As new mobility technologies and services mature from prototypes to in-market applications at increasing scale, there is expected to be a growing need for physical spaces to serve as integrated, real-world test beds. In Toronto, Sidewalk Labs has proposed redeveloping the Quayside area with a strong focus on new approaches to mobility.19 Babcock Ranch, an 18,000-acre development in Florida, has piloted electric, autonomous shuttles.20 AllianceTexas, a 26,000-acre master-planned property owned by Hillwood Properties, recently launched a mobility innovation zone21 to capitalise on its array of logistics and transportation-focussed infrastructure, including an industrial airport, an intermodal rail hub, and multiple distribution centres, and will host some of the first “flying taxi” efforts using electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft.22

To capitalise on this trend in the near term, property developers and investors should look for properties with distinctive sets of assets that can enable mobility innovators to prove out their technologies and business models—and then actively market those places to the broader mobility ecosystem. They should also be careful to build in flexibility. Off-street autonomous vehicle test tracks, for example, are in demand today, but those vehicles could quickly move to public roads as the technology matures.

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As mobility undergoes fundamental changes over the coming decades, investors and developers of property will likely be presented with unprecedented challenges accompanied by tremendous opportunities. This article only scratches the surface of the complex interactions between how we move and the spaces we occupy. To thrive in this changing landscape, property investors, developers and operators may need to redesign and refocus their investments to adapt to the shifting travel behaviour of consumers and businesses.

​The future of mobility

The entire way we travel from point A to point B is changing. This transformation is creating a new ecosystem of personal mobility, with implications affecting more than just the automotive industry. Our team serves the entire ecosystem of companies working in and around mobility.

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The authors would like to thank Natalie Lynch, Derek M. Pankratz, Rasheq Zarif, Surabhi Kejriwal, Todd Ramsey, and Divya Jaiswal for their contributions to this article.

Cover image by: Daniel Hertzberg

  1. Jingjing Jiang, “More Americans are using ride-hailing apps,” Pew Research Centre, 4 January 2019.

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  2. Vend, “Retail trends and predictions 2019,” accessed 27 November 2019.

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  3. Alex Davies and Aarian Marshall, “Are we there yet? A reality check on self-driving cars,” Wired, 22 April 2019.

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  4. BBG, “Autonomous vehicles driving transformation in real-estate design and construction,” PR Newswire, 18 September 2017.

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  5. David H. Freedman, “How autonomous vehicles will transform cities and suburbs by ending traffic, jams, parking problems and road rage,” Newsweek, 6 December 2018.

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  6. Phil Levin, “Why self-driving cars will cause sprawl (according to an Italian physicist),” Medium, 14 March 2018.

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  7. Transit Oriented Development Institute website, accessed 14 August 2019.

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  8. Keith Naughton and David Welch, “This is what peak car looks like,” Bloomberg Businessweek, 28 February 2019.

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  9. Mike Cherney and Newley Purnell, “Uber wants you to catch the coach or train—if they can drive you there,” Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2019.

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  10. Xiaomei Tan and Yin Dafei, “Bike-sharing data and cities: Lessons from China’s experience,” Global Environment Facility, 17 January 2018.

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  11. Greg Gardner, “Nuro, Kroger's expand robotic vehicle grocery delivery To Houston,” Forbes, 14 March 2019.

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  12. Kyle Wiggers, “Autonomous vehicle startup Udelv inks grocery delivery deal in Oklahoma City,” VentureBeat, 13 September 2018.

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  13. Ted Choe et al., The future of freight, Deloitte Insights, 28 June 2017.

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  14. Christopher Mims, “How robots and drones will change retail forever,” Wall Street Journal, 15 October 2018.

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  15. Ralph Judah et al., New roads to the health care of tomorrow, Deloitte Insights, 27 February 2018.

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  16. Jennifer M. Ortman, Victoria A. Velkoff, and Howard Hogan, “An ageing nation: The older population in the United States,” US Department of Commerce, May 2014.

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  17. Senior Living, “Personal transportation for seniors,” accessed 14 August 2019.

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  18. Eric Adams, “UPS drones are now moving blood samples over North Carolina,” Wired, 1 April 2019.

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  19. Jesse Shapins, “Quayside: A new vision for Toronto’s waterfront,” Medium, 30 November 2018.

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  20. Claire Lavezzorio, “Babcock Ranch testing self-driving cars,” NBC2 News, 12 December 2018.

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  21. Hillwood, “Hillwood announces establishment of AllianceTexas mobility innovation zone,” BusinessWire, 10 June 2019.

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  22. Melissa Repko, “Uber getting plans off the ground for air taxis in Dallas, Los Angeles,” Dallas Morning News, May 2018.

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