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Market & Target Assessment

Market Assessment

At pre-deal stage, we help investors define and pre-analyze their target market, design their go-to-market strategies and characterize the deal environment. Our team performs an initial assessment of the market attractiveness, with a special focus on underlying drivers, trends and competitive environment.

Target Screening and Identification

We explore the universe of potential targets and screen them against the buyers’ investment criteria. By prioritizing the targets that are worthy of deeper consideration, we develop acquisition pathways to help you to achieve your strategic objectives.

Preliminary Target Assessment

Our team performs a quick initial review of the target through examining its market, customers and operations to evaluate the associated opportunities and risks. We help our clients in establishing pre-deal strategy, pre-validating the target’s business plan and identifying the likely deal breakers.


Optimal match is critical. We initiate introductions and facilitate the meetings between the parties and help develop a strategy to engage the target’s executives in productive discussions while advising on next steps. 

Our thinking