Take Pillar Two from policy to practice
Deloitte’s Pillar Two Agent is engineered to support global organisations with an end-to-end compliance solution.
From Data collection and validation to submission, the Pillar Two Agent provides transparency and efficiency through a single, cloud-based compliance and Reporting technology platform.
70% of companies expect to pay in excess of US500,000 annually to comply
Organisations have as their first priority to implement technology to facilitate accurate Pillar Two calculations
Of CFO expect to implement technology to address increased compliance cost with the same staffing levels
The third biggest talent gap identified for Pillar Two implementation is technology skills
The platform handles the varying requirements of the Pillar Two Reporting and compliance processes, including Data collection, calculating top-up tax and supports multiple types of Pillar Two filings, such as GloBE Information Return (GIR) and the qualified domestic minimum top-up tax (QDMTT).
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Pillar Two Agent is available when you work with Deloitte’s dedicated tax team as part of co-sourcing or outsourcing engagements.
The team can support you through the uncertainty and challenges over the next few years as the Pillar Two rules develop and start to settle down.