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FamilyOffice Discovery

A holistic approach to methodically assess a family office’s operating model against the family’s mission.

Introducing FamilyOffice Discovery

Quickly and visually understand your current operations and the key areas of focus moving forwards.

Family offices, like the families that they serve, are intricate entities. Visions, values, philosophies and objectives shape their structures, operations and resource allocation. This diverse range of operating models makes it difficult for family offices to find comparable reference points to assess their current capabilities and efficiencies and find opportunities to support the family’s ambitions and priorities more effectively.

Deloitte’s FamilyOffice Discovery tool provides a holistic approach to methodically assess your family office’s operating model against the family’s mission. Using Deloitte’s family office archetype model, FamilyOffice Discovery aims to help you quickly and visually understand your current operations and the key areas of focus moving forwards.

How it works

On completion of the FamilyOffice Discovery 10-minute online self-assessment, you’ll receive a personalised report with a summary of your results, including your family office archetype “blend”. Your unique blend visually summarises how your family office operates across six distinct family office archetypes - each with a specific set of attributes and focus areas - both for your current operations and desired future state. Your family office archetype blend serves as an initial step in identifying areas of strength and opportunity, catalysing your family office's journey towards change.

Log In to the FamilyOffice Discovery tool (Deloitte supplied username and password required)

The six archetypes

Key questions

Key questions FamilyOffice Discovery may help you answer.

  • Which of the six archetypes is your family most and least focused on?
  • Where are the biggest deltas between current and future levels of performance?
  • Have you got a clear set of plans around how you will move to your desired future operating model?


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