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Technology Fast 50

What is Fast 50?


Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Program determines the 50 fastest growing technology companies by geographic region. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 program  was established in San Jose, California, in 1995. The growing programme operates independently in 18 countries outside of the United States, plus one region - Central Europe. The Fast 50 programme. Once you achieve to be in Technology Fast 50 ranking, you automatically become eligible for entry to the regional Technology Fast 500 program.

Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Turkey Program has been held since 2006. It determines the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Turkey and the winners are nominated to Fast 500 EMEAprogram.

Entry Criteria


*Be in business for a minimum of three years.

* Considered a technology company defined as:

   • producing its own technology

   • manufacturing technology-related products

   • technology intensive or uses unique technology in problem-solving

   • devoting a high percentage of effort to research and development of technology

* Parent company must be Turkey owned and headquartered in Turkey. (subsidiaries do not qualify)

* Operating revenues must be at least Euros 30,000 and 500,000 Euros in the last 3 years. (For instance; to apply for Fast 50 2023 Program, check 2020 and 2022)

How to apply?


Before start filling out the form in the website, below items will be required ;

  • The amount of operational revenue for the last 3 years in TL.
  • Annual and/or Financial Reports are required only for one year and fouryears before the applied year. For instance; to apply for Fast 50 2018 Program, reports for 2020 and 2022 are required. ("Kurumlar Vergisi Beyannamesi"/ "Corporate tax return" is appropriate)
  • Brief description of company and proprietary technology in English (maximum of 250 words)
  • Color portrait of CEO in high resolution JPG format (300 dpi, >1MB)

Submit the complete form with all the requirements mentioned above. Application forms will be evaluated. If there is any mismatching about the numbers, you will be informed. Final confirmation email will be sent after the corrections and evaluations.

What are the benefits?


Technology Fast 50 winners receive exposure and recognition upon release of the rankings from both the media and business communities.

  • Networking opportunity with other growing Turkish technology companies and business organizations at our awards ceremony
  • Benchmarking against similar companies
  • Increased attention from the business and investment communities
  • Media coverage
  • Automatic entry into the EMEA Fast 500 and the opportunity to be winner for Fast 500 EMEA Program.

Technology Fast 50 Turkey Program Key Dates


Application Start Time for the program

13 November

Deadline for Application

15 December

Announcement of Fast 50 – Turkey Winners

January 2024

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