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Immigration alert – Application for an extension of temporary protection for people fleeing war in Ukraine: must be submitted before March 4th, 2023.

Published: 2022-02-15

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sweden has granted residence permits based on temporary protection to those who are fleeing the war. All such residence permits expire on March 4th, 2023, and recipients of temporary protection who wish to remain in Sweden must submit an extension application to the Migration Agency by this date.

Application for an extended residence permit based on temporary protection

The EU Commission decided on October 6th, 2022, to extend temporary protection for people fleeing the war in Ukraine by one year, which Deloitte has previously reported on. Please refer to our previous article on this matter for more information regarding the extended activation of the temporary protection directive: Immigration alert – Extension of the temporary protection for people fleeing war in Ukraine | Deloitte Sverige

On February 1st, 2023, the Swedish Migration Agency opened their e-application service for extending residence permits based on temporary protection. Residence permits for recipients of temporary protection expire on March 4th, 2023, and applications for renewals must therefore be submitted by this date at the latest. 

Recipients of temporary protection may apply for an extended residence permits by visiting this link, no later than March 4th, 2023: 

Apply for extended protection - Migrationsverket
Applying for an extension of a residence permit based on temporary protection is a simple procedure. The only requirements are that the applicant has access to:

  • an e-mail address, 
  • a mobile phone, and 
  • their case number with the Migration Agency. 

The eight-digit case number may be found in the top-right corner of the decision letter from the Migration Agency. 

When applying for an extension, the applicant is also prompted to book an appointment to have their photograph and fingerprints taken. Once the application has been submitted, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicant, confirming that the application has been submitted, as well as the appointment date. 

Once the Migration Agency has issued a decision and renewed the applicant’s residence permit, a new residence permit card will be sent by post to the applicant’s address. 

The extended residence permit based on temporary protection will be valid until March 4th, 2024.  

Deloitte’s commentary
Deloitte notes that recipients of temporary protection are unfortunately still unable to receive personal identity numbers in Sweden, which prohibits access to many services in Sweden. No announcement has been made with regards to amending this matter. 

Deloitte actively monitors any developments in the area and will publish new announcements and updates. 

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+46 75 246 26 00