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Cyber Security

With the proliferation of Internet-enabled devices, cyber culture is growing more rapidly than cyber security. Everything that depends on cyberspace is potentially at risk.

Private data, intellectual property, cyber infrastructure, and even military and national security can be compromised by deliberate attacks, inadvertent security lapses, and the vulnerabilities of a relatively immature, unregulated global Internet. Working hand-in-hand with member firm clients, Deloitte helps organizations plan and execute an integrated cyber approach to harness the power of information networks to enhance business operations, increase mission performance, and improve customer support, without compromising security or privacy.


Networked Medical Device Cybersecurity and Patient Safety


Perspectives of Health Care Information Security Executives

Networked medical devices and other mobile health (mHealth) technologies are a double-edged sword: They have the potential to play a transformational role in health care but also may be a vehicle that exposes patients and health care providers to safety and cybersecurity risks such as being hacked, being infected with malware and being vulnerable to unauthorized access.

Patient safety issues—injury or death—related to networked medical device security vulnerabilities are a critical concern; compromised medical devices also could be used to attack other portions of an organization’s network. Click to read more.

Inside Magazine


The world and the environment in which decisions are made are experiencing profound transformations. Consequently, new risks appear, old ones are changing - and the ability to cleverly understand and manage risks will be crucial.

Thus, one year after the last governance, risk management & compliance edition of Inside, this first issue of 2015 points out key topics in these areas. It focuses on the roles and challenges of Boards of Directors, Board Committees, Chief Risk Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Compliance Officers and Chief Internal Auditors. We hope you will find this publication insightful.