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Mats Lindqvist

Partner | Valuation & Modelling

Mats is a partner and leader of Deloitte’s Swedish Valuation & Modelling team. He started working for Deloitte in 1994 and worked in London, UK from 2001 to 2003 and has experience of valuation and analysis of companies, intangible assets and financial instruments.

Mats is a member of FAR’s (The Institute of the Accounting Profession in Sweden) expert group for valuation issues, which primarily works with the development of standards for financial reporting related valuations.

Mats has been responsible for valuations in various contexts such as acquisitions and disposals of companies, disputes (including being expert witness in both arbitration tribunals and court), fairness opinions, reorganizations, IPO’s and assessments of value for fiscal and for financial reporting purposes (e.g. impairment tests and purchase price allocations). Engagements have ranged over most industries and have been carried out in Europe, North America and Asia.