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Planting the Seeds of Leadership

Deloitte’s tradition of growing leaders from within extends deep into the organisation’s history and continues today with numerous internal initiatives dedicated to helping its talented professionals grow and realise their potential.

In 1862, managing clerk Henry Dever became William Welch Deloitte’s third partner. Dever rewarded Deloitte’s faith in him with a lifetime of service. Among other accomplishments, Dever served as liquidator for the Great Eastern Steamship Co. and C. de Murrieta & Co. accounts. Similarly, George Cloutte, who joined Deloitte’s staff in 1869, rose to chief clerk in the late 1880s and became the sixth partner in 1889.

Cloutte and Dever serve as reminders that Deloitte’s dedication to cultivating leaders from within is truly part of the organisation’s DNA.

Deloitte’s legacy firms also grew leaders from within. Charles Stewart Ludlam began his career at Haskins & Sells in 1897 as New York CPA No. 115 and became the firm’s third partner in 1903. At Touche, Niven & Co., Victor H. Stempf joined the firm’s St. Louis office in 1915 and was named partner in 1922. Similar success stories from around the world followed as Deloitte expanded. Rita Nikolian joined Deloitte as a secretary in 1988 and eventually became a partner in the Tax Consulting department of Deloitte’s São Paulo office.

In the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Deloitte continues to attract talented young professionals and help prepare them for roles with greater responsibility. Deloitte University’s state-of-the-art facility offers Deloitte professionals world-class leadership development programmes and Deloitte’s Business Chemistry methodology uses insights from neuro-anthropology and genetics to help future leaders understand their own business styles and lead teams more effectively.

This future-focussed leadership development is a vital part of ensuring that 100 years from now, Deloitte is still providing superior client service, even as the technology landscape changes and new business challenges arise.

The thrust of professional development now must encompass a process of continual updating and introduction to new areas of study. The explosion of knowledge alone makes this necessary. You cannot walk off with your diploma and consider yourself educated for life.

-Elmer G. Beamer, partner, Haskins & Sells, 1971