The traditional roles of Finance leaders are being disrupted – from ever-growing asks by executive leadership for participation in value-add, strategic business activities to the onslaught of disruptive technologies – resulting in Finance leaders needing to assess the relevance, timeliness, and reliability of their teams. Do organizations have the right strategic partner to help navigate these hurdles while ensuring they can continue to meet the day-to-day demands of their organization? Accounting Operations Assurance services recognize that Finance leaders need a partner they can work collaboratively with to evaluate their people, processes, infrastructure & controls, and to deliver practical and pragmatic solutions to address increasing demands, existing inefficiencies, and impacts of new technologies, while ensuring Finance remains honest to its core activities.
Services that provide confidence in the current state of Finance organization's people, process, infrastructure, and controls. Across each pillar of Finance, Assurance works collaboratively to identify gaps and potential strategic opportunities for organizations to validate and consider implementing as part of their Finance strategy
Services that provide confidence in an organization’s control environment, ensuring a framework that meets financial, operational, and legal requirements. These services may include a review and redesign of controls in a specific business area in response to a control issue, and assistance with selection and implementation of enabling IT technology to support the process of controls automation. Furthermore, Deloitte can support organizations with addressing regulator and marketplace demands to manage third-party risk with readiness and attestation services.
Managed services and sourcing allows organizations to supplement short- and long-term Finance talent needs within the controllership, with Deloitte resources acting as a third-party service provider for management.