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Low-carbon fuels: The last mile to net zero

The role of synthetic fuels in decarbonising the skies and the seas

Reaching net-zero Greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 requires a fundamental transformation of society, from its current fossil fuel-centric model to an efficient, highly renewable and electrified energy system.

Decarbonisation of aviation and maritime delivery requires low-carbon fuels—including biofuels and synthetic fuels—with higher energy density than hydrogen and electricity. However, clean hydrogen can complement electrification in other hard-to-abate sectors, such as steelmaking and chemicals.

Due to intense cross-sector competition for limited sustainable biomass feedstock, synthetic fuels such as ammonia, methanol and synthetic paraffin are expected to become the main sources of low-carbon fuels supply in the long term, enabling the decarbonisation of aviation and delivery.

Synthetic fuels: key to decarbonise aviation and maritime delivery

Deloitte’s outlook explores the uptake of synthetic fuels as key enablers of decarbonising aviation and maritime delivery, leveraging a Data-driven and model-based quantitative analysis, using Deloitte’s global clean hydrogen and synthetic fuels supply and trade model HyPE (Hydrogen Pathway Explorer). In this outlook, aviation experiences stagnating CO2 emissions until 2030 and around 75% of emission reductions by 2050, while delivering reaches almost net zero by 2050. These emission reductions are mainly due to efficiency measures and the adoption of low-carbon fuels, in particular synthetic fuels.

Synthetic fuels, which are almost absent from the current fuel mix, would have only a marginal role in 2030, providing 1.6 exajoules (out of the 26 EJ consumed) in Deloitte’s outlook. Nevertheless, they appear as the main source of energy by 2050, accounting for nearly 16 EJ of fuel consumption.

Such levels of synthetic fuel production require about 150 million tons of low-carbon hydrogen and 700 million tons of biogenic or air-captured CO2. This represents a major industrial and technical challenge, as the low-carbon hydrogen sector is still in its infancy and CO2 capture technologies have not yet been developed on a large scale.

Important technological, economic and financial challenges yet to overcome

Although synthetic fuels hold the key to decarbonising aviation and delivery, they are still at an early stage of deployment with almost non-existent regulatory frameworks and significantly higher costs than fossil fuels.

As a first step, a globally harmonised regulatory framework is essential for their development in the inherently international aviation and delivering sectors. Reaching such levels of synthetic supply comes with significant investment needs; almost US$130 billion on average annually through 2050. While it remains a small fraction of the global fossil fuel investments (US$1.1 trillion in 2024), it is comparable with the overall spendings on aviation and maritime delivery fuels.

Without public support, however, synthetic fuels will remain two to ten times more expensive than conventional fossil fuels due to the limited availability of low-cost climate-neutral CO2 feedstocks, inefficiencies in their production processes and inter-sectoral competition for clean hydrogen.

The cost of producing low-carbon hydrogen and climate-neutral CO2 is highly variable from one region to another, with significant uncertainties regarding the costs of the technologies and the processes for their production. Due to the limited potential for biogenic CO2 supply (such as bioethanol and biomethane production processes’ by-products), the production of methanol and synthetic paraffin will require CO2 from direct air capture, estimated to be significantly more expensive. Depending on the location and origin, switching from biogenic CO2 to DAC-based CO2 can increase the cost of methanol and synthetic paraffin by more than 40%.

The cost competitiveness of synthetic fuels is only one part of the broader technological challenges of decarbonising aviation and delivery. While the decarbonisation of the aviation sector does not require major changes to refuelling infrastructure or aircraft engines, the decarbonisation of maritime delivery follows a multi-fuel future composed of methanol and ammonia. This requires both the use of existing infrastructure during the transition and the development of new bunkering and engine technologies and refuelling infrastructure. The technological challenges associated with decarbonisation therefore go beyond only fuel supply.

Transitioning away from fossil fuels in aviation and delivery requires co-ordinated and ambitious efforts from all actors in their value chain:

Policymakers play a central role in creating the starting conditions, the required regulatory framework and the continued momentum. They should create visibility through national and sectoral strategies, ensure offtake by creating demand through mechanisms such as blending mandates and emission thresholds and reduce economic burden on different actors by providing economic support for low-carbon fuels production and adoption. Continued evolution of these schemes is critical to ensuring a long-term and effective transition.

International organisations are ideally positioned to support a co-ordinated global transition by establishing common sets of rules. They can support value creation and thus the global adoption of synthetic fuels through robust certification mechanisms. Harmonised and common definitions can help to avoid carbon leakage or arbitrage opportunities.

Fuel suppliers must proactively secure low-cost sustainable energy feedstocks, including clean hydrogen and climate-neutral CO2, to meet the growing demand for synthetic fuels, through early investments and partnerships with upstream actors. By blending biofuels, notably during the creation phase of the synthetic fuels value chain, they can support the scaling up of the technology and the development of the necessary infrastructure.

Aircraft and ship manufacturers should adapt their offers to Sustainability needs. This means ensuring that aircraft engines that can run on high blends of synthetic fuels and vessels compatible with new fuels, notably ammonia and methanol, are being developed. In addition, they should develop efficiency measures through investments in research and development and integrate them into their manufacturing processes, reducing both fuel costs and CO2 emissions.

Airports and port authorities are instrumental in laying the foundations for the adoption of synthetic fuels by putting in place the necessary refuelling infrastructure. While this requires no specific infrastructure development for the airports, marine ports need to enable a multi-fuel infrastructure. Moreover, they need to ensure the supply of sustainable fuels in the required quantities.

Airlines and delivering companies are at the centre of the transition, connecting upstream activities to end Consumer. By commercialising sustainable delivery and travel options, they can initiate the adoption of low-carbon fuels and technologies and bring co-ordinated progress among all stakeholders. In addition, by adopting operational efficiency measures, they can achieve significant fuel savings and reduce costs and emissions, immediately in the short term.

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