Our clients’ perception of Deloitte service quality is shaped by the quality of our people - the knowledge and skills they bring to their jobs. A strong commitment to a rich culture of learning simply makes good business sense.
Deloitte provides learning programmes at every key stage of your career to develop competencies and skills, both through classroom training sessions, virtual webinars and e-learning activities. Some of these learning programmes will be specific to your operating service function, mostly the technical ones. Others will be firm-wide, usually covering business, non-technical skills. Both categories are either locally, or regionally organized. In this way, you have the chance to get regional exposure and to build a truly international network of contacts and friends.
A comprehensive performance management process, learning curricula and paths provide the base framework for your career growth.
No matter where you work in Romania - Bucharest, Timisoara or Cluj, Deloitte provides ready access to educational opportunities that meet your learning and development needs.
Our learning programmes fall into several categories: