Companies certified “Best Managed”
Companies that enrolled in the program and achieved the “Best Managed” certification for the second consecutive year
The company's performance is assessed during a two-step process:
Phase I: Online application
During this first phase, we check the eligibility of candidates using an application form that you can request here. This must be completed by 16 June 2023 at the latest.
Phase II: Support during workshops with Deloitte experts
Eligible companies are invited to prepare a second detailed application file. They will have to describe their strengths around the four pillars that form the basis of the program: strategy, talent management and innovation, CSR values and policy, governance and financial aspects. Deloitte experts accompany you throughout this step to choose the best approach to complete your file. This process makes it possible to identify areas for improving the company's performance.
An independent jury evaluates the different companies from an evaluation grid common to the global program and defined with the help of our academic partner. The jury decides on the award of the Best Managed Companies label; label that will be awarded to companies during a ceremony in autumn 2023.
Throughout the process, the information contained in the application files is treated as strictly confidential, in accordance with the Data Protection Act and Deloitte's data management and privacy policy.
Program partners
Bucharest Stock Exchange, President of the Board
Radu Hanga is the President of the Board of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) since 2020. He has an extensive experience of over 25 years in financial markets and has attended programs such as the Strategy Execution Programme of the INSEAD, postgraduate studies in Business Administration at the European Institute for Business Administration, has specialized in International Financial System within a program organized by the IBR in partnership with Chartered Institute of Bankers, Scotland, and has completed an Erasmus exchange at University of East London. Radu Hanga has also held several positions on the Boards of Directors of listed companies, and was between 2015 and 2020 President of the Association of Asset Managers in Romania.
National Bank of Romania, Member of the Board
Currently member of the Board of the National Bank of Romania, Cristian Popa has an extensive professional experience of over 15 years in the financial industry. He was previously the Chief Investment Officer of the largest private pension fund handler in Romania, responsible for managing over EUR 3,5 billion of assets. Cristian Popa graduated from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and then received his master’s degree in international financial risk management. He was awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter by the CFA Institute in Virginia, USA, and is a member of the board of the CFA Society Romania. He was also awarded the Chartered Alternative Investments Analyst (CAIA) charter, and he lectures for the Romanian Banking Institute.
International Finance Corporation, Senior Country Officer
With more than 25 years of experience in private equity, investment banking and privatization, Cristian Nacu is one of the experienced and respected investment managers and professionals in the region. Since March 2018, Cristian Nacu is Senior Country Officer for Romania of International Finance Corporation (IFC), an institution of the World Bank Group. Previously, between 1999 and 2005, Cristian Nacu worked at IFC as an Investment Officer. He is also very active in non-profit activities, as a member of the board of directors of Junior Achievement Romania, one of the largest entrepreneurship education organizations in the world, and a member of the Board of the Romanian American Foundation.
Academy of Economic Studies, Deputy Rector
Dorel Mihai Paraschiv is a university professor of the Department of International Economic Relations and Deputy Rector for the relations with the economic environment and students community of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies. His academic interests include international trade, international negotiation and the European business environment, and he participated in numerous projects with both national and international funding related to the access of young graduates to the labor market and the evolution of the business environment in Romania. He has more than 14 years of experience in management, and has carried out consulting activities, including as a member of international teams.