Romania Best Managed Companies is the business program recognizing excellence in Romanian entrepreneurial performance based on an international methodology. Each year, dozens of private companies experience a rigorous evaluation process, but only the best receive the "Best Managed" certification.
Managing Partner of Reff & Associates - Deloitte Legal. Over 20 years multidisciplinary advisory experience in Banking, Capital Markets, M&A, Corporate Governance and legal risks management. Recommended by IFLR1000 as a Leading Lawyer for Banking, Capital Markets and M&A in Romania. Prior to becoming a lawyer he was for several years a licensed securities broker and advisor on capital markets, banking and M&A transactions. - Banking and regulatory experience: Worked on loan and security documentation in bilateral/ syndicated loans, LMBOs, debt restructuring & loan workouts, NPL deals (portfolios and single tickets) and securitization structures. Assisted financial supervisory authorities / market operators, banks, non-banking financial institutions, payment institutions, fund management companies, publicly traded companies on various regulatory matters in the financial services industry (CRD/CRR, EMIR, PSD, MIFID, MAD/MAR) - Capital Markets: local / cross-border stock option plans, securities/rights offerings, pre-IPO preparation, insider dealing and market manipulation cases and other securities law matters. - M&A: assisted buy-side/sell side in M&A deals in various industries with a particular focus on financial services industry (including banks, insurance companies, non-banking financial institutions). - Corporate Governance and legal risks management: assisted entities operating in regulated/non-regulated industries on various legal risk management aspects (including compliance and corporate governance matters, legal risk management tools - prevention and compliance programs, dealing with white collar crime risks - prevention and defense, etc.)