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Raluca Bontaș

Tax Partner, Deloitte România

Leader of the tax practice and coordinator of the income tax department, Raluca joined Deloitte as a student 15 years ago. In 2009, Raluca took over the leadership of the Global Employer Services (GES) practice comprised of 20 people and a portfolio of clients that have contributed significantly to the company’s overall business. Raluca has vast experience in serving clients and in coordonating projects on a wide area of direct taxation advisory, including the review and analysis of tax treatment of various types of income obtained by resident or non-resident individuals from Romania and /or paid by local and foreign entities to Romanian resident individuals.

Her main clients include significant retail & consumer multinationals, major players from the  pharmaceutical, energy and car manufacturing industries  as well as significant telecom players operating in Romania. Raluca has a degree in Management from the University of Bucharest.