Deloitte Portugal | Fuel


Next level leadership.
High performance teams.
Immersive human experience.

Build alignment and agility to develop sustainable high-performance organizations in a sustainable way.

Let’s talk

Fuel is a Leadership Performance Program that aims to build sustainable, high-performing and balanced individuals, teams, and organizations, based on a holistic and immersive approach.
The program is led by distinct specialists, and it's supported by technology, through a comprehensive model.

A Leadership Performance Program

FuelProgram™ vectors

Companies are made of individuals that are put together in teams to execute tasks and missions. The performance and success of leadership lie in the outcome and balance of these three vectors.


Perfect the

Perfect the Individual

The individual vector aims to facilitate self-knowledge and promote incremental and sustained calibrations.

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Build the

Build the Team

The team vector is the center of gravity of organizations that aim to maintain an alignment that allows them to respond agilely to the dynamic context.

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Accomplish the
Task / Mission

Accomplish the Task / Mission

The task/mission vector aims to optimize teams to act more quickly, efficiently and maximize results.

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The FuelProgram™ vectors

The three Fuel vectors represent an holistic and immersive approach. This model is a unique and differentiated framework that develops individuals and teams, enhancing leadership performance and creating sustainable growth for organizations.

Perfect the Individual

The individual vector aims to facilitate self-knowledge and promote incremental and sustained calibrations.

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Build the Team

The "team" vector is the center of gravity of organizations that aim to maintain an alignment that allows them to respond agilely to the dynamic context.

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Accomplish the Task / Mission

The task/mission vector aims to optimize teams to act more quickly, efficiently and maximize results.

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Benefits of our approach

What makes this program unique

Holistic perspective

A unique approach to performance (Individual, Team, Task) underpinned by scientific basis and intense and immersive sessions.

Scientific basis

A methodology developed by the FuelProgram™ team to quantify performance indicators that allow the creation of a Performance Index.

Technological basis

Use of the App Fuel and wearables that enable the collection, reliable analysis of data, and communication with participants.

Team-centered leadership model

Team as the centre of gravity to achieve sustainable results based on leadership that promotes alignment and agility.

Team of Specialists

Multidisciplinary team with validated and recognized knowledge and experience in their different areas of expertise.

Multidisciplinary Methodologies

Strong alignment and inspiration in the methodologies applied by military special forces teams and competitive motorsport.

Continuous feedback

Daily monitoring and personalized follow-up of participants, allowing them to evolve and calibrate individually and as a team.

Delivery model

FUEL's methodology is based on data collection (body and habits), behavioral assessment, knowledge sharing, and individual and team feedback. The main components of a program are immersive sessions, learning sessions, and feedback sessions. The journey is designed according to the objectives to be achieved and the needs identified, which will determine the level of intensity and immersiveness of the program and the range of specialists who will accompany it.


We have been implementing FuelProgram™ in national and international companies, always with the same goal: creating high-performance teams in contexts of great volatility and uncertainty.

Deloitte TMT

Francisco Matos

Board Member of BPI

“It was a semester that allowed us all to better understand ourselves and how our various physical and psychological indicators react to changes we did not give due importance to...

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Deloitte TMT

Pedro Barreto

Board Member of BPI

“The FUELProgram™ has been a great opportunity for all of us to strengthen the team spirit of the Bank, which I consider to be the most relevant aspect for the success of any company...

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Deloitte TMT

Eduardo Clemente

Board Member of Standarbank

“Being part of this FuelProgram™ has been an intense but very fulfilling experience. We started with great amounts of info in the early sessions, creating awareness on all the little...

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Do you want to start balancing your company
and building a high-performance corporate culture?

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Specialists who make the difference

Meet our team

Nuno Fernando de Carvalho

Nuno Fernando de Carvalho

Bastian de Freitas

Bastian de Freitas

Master Lead Specialist

Get in touch and see how we can help you – Let’s make an impact that matters!