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Deloitte commentary –Budget Review 2024/2025

Reimaging, a better future for the youth

“Continuing the legacy of H. E. Dr. Hage G. Geingob by caring for the Namibian child”

Minister of Finance, Minister Iipumbu Shiimi, started his budget address by narrating his recent trips to Windhoek schools, fitting into this year’s budget theme.Later in his address he announced a capital budget of N$970 million to the Ministry of Education to cater for the infrastructure gap in this sector. A total budget of N$18.4 billion has been allocated to this Ministry, an increase of 10% from the FY2023/24 year.

Enclosed on top, please find the Deloitte Commentary on the Namibian Budget review of 2024/2025.

Namibian budget review 2024/2025 Summary

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